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����һ)��what was the last thing you googled?�� �����һ�ηź�������ʲô?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡoakville��tim hortons�쵼������ŀ
������)��which game of thrones character do you like most?�� ��ȩ����ϸ��������ϲ���ǹ���ɫ?
������)��if you could sit next to one person on a transcontinental flight, who would it be?�� ��������������һ�����ڿ������������աߣ����ѡ˭?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡtoronto�� salesforce ���۴���
������)��how do you calculate the number of red cars in a city?�� ����μ���һ���������ж��ٺ�ɫ����?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡtoronto�� manulife ����ʦ
������)��if you were a utensil, which one would you be and why?�� �������һ���;ߣ��������һ����ϊʲô?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡkingston �� jack astor��s �ưɲ�������ʦ
������)��if you had only 24 hours left on planet earth, how would you spend it?�� �������ڵ����ϵ�ʱ��ֻʣ�����24сʱ�������ζȹ�?
����ӧƹְλ��bcʡvancouver ��iridia medical �ܲ�����
������)��do you ever feel like a plastic bag?�� ������լ���һ�����θ���?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡ���ô����ֳ� canada��s wonderland ��ա
������) ��we meet on an elevator, and you have until we reach the 10th floor to convince me that you are right for the job. go!�� �����ڵ�����������������ڵ���ʮ¥ǰ˵�����������ʺ���ݹ����ġ����ڿ�ʼ!
����ӧƹְλ��albertaʡ calgary �� ���ں��չ�˾ sunwing airlines �ճ���ա
������)��if you were a prime minister for a day, what one law would you change and why?�� ,������ǽ��ô�������������������ɣ�ϊʲô?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡmontreal �� davies ward phillips and vineberg ��ʦ������ʵϰ��ʦ
����ʮ)��how would you shuffle a deck of cards?�� �������θ�ƶ�?
����ӧƹְλ����ʡtoronto �� stackadapt ��˾��������ʦ