
ʱ�䣺2022-05-10 12:28:52 �������� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�





����������1��tell me a little about yourself. (��򵥽���һ���լ�)


����������2��why do you feel you are qualified for this job?(��ϊʲô�����լ�ʤ����ݹ���?)


����������3��what kind of salary did you have in mind?(�������н���ƕ���?)


����������4��if hired, when could you start work?(�����ӷ�ļ�����ʲôʱ��ʼ����?)

����������ش��������ʱ��һ��ҫע��!��ҫ˵�����ͽ��թ������ǻ��öէ���ϊ��dz����е���ҫ��ݹ�����һ���dz����յļش�����ǡ�i can start at the beginning of next month.��(�����³����կ�ʼ�ϰࡣ)

����������5��where do you want to be in five years?(5��֮�����봦��ʲôλ��?)

�����������ҫ���������ʱ�޻���ͷ�ρ�̸��ϲ���ķ������������ļ��ܣ�ʵ�ʵ������������ѡ���������ҵ����ϣ����ʲô���ᣬ��ϣ������щ������ѧ��ʲô������ i��d like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office.i also hope to develop my management skills,perhaps by managing a small staff.


����������1��what have you learned about our company from customers,employees,or others? (������ǹ�˾�ĺ˿͡�ա������������;���˽������ǹ�˾��һщʲô���?)


����������2��what motivates you to do this kind of work? (��ʲô��ʹ����������๤��?)

�����������óҵ��ա���ǹ�����ѹ���ܴ��ְҵ�����û����ȥ���ѽ�ֳ��á���ˣ����թٻ���֪�������ȥ�ƿ�͸��ض��ĺ���һ�¡���������������ش�i��ve been fortunate in my own schooling;i had wonderful teachers.i want to be that same kind of teacher,who not only encourages kids to learn but also sets an example that inspires others to want to teach.in the long run,that?sour bestchance of turning around the quality of education in this state.

����������3��does the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle? (������ҫ�����'�����ʺ�������ʽ��?)

��������������ڼ��ͻ��������ڼ��ͻ���·�ϣ���ҵ��ա�����̬���ر�����óҵ��ա����ϊ��ͨ����������⣬ϊ�˸��õ���ͻ�ǣ̸��������ҫ�����з��ˡ��������խ��ܾ�������ļ�������������the frequent travel in this consulting positionis no problem for me or my family.

����������4��what skills do you offer that are most relevant to this job? (�����ṩ��щ����ݹ����������صļ���?)


����������5��how do you manage stress in your daily work? (�ճ������у�������ӧ��ѹ��?)

������������������һ�����ѽ����ѹ���θ����ŀ�������������ŀ����֯ÿһ����ʱ����ȡ�ľ����ж����լ���ΰѹ��������ȥ������������ܻ��кô�����ѹ����������α����ľ���ƽ�ͼ���֤���ְҵˮ׼�ġ�����i try to get out for lunch at least once during the week to clear my head.i also have a personal rule that stops me from reacting to any problem until i fee calm about it.i think,then act��but iove learned to do that over time.


����1.be professional.

����looking businesslike is the first step to acting businesslike, and people will take you more seriously if you are well-groomed. this also applies to body language, so always make eye contact and keep good posture, or you may appear to lack confidence.

����(����ְҵ�� ������ְҵ�����������ƿ�רҵ�ĵ�һ���������ע�����εļ������ƕդ������ǹ�����һщ�� �⻹������֫�����ԣ�ҫ�����ͱ��˽��������������ֺõ��������ƣ�����ῴ������û�����ŵ����ӡ�)

����2.make it personal.

����remember people��s names and they will remember you. do everything you can to avoid addressing a message ��dear sir/madam��. remember that business is about building relationships.


����3.be formal but not stiff.

����if you are too formal, people won��t be at ease around you. act too casual and people may not take you seriously. aim for the middle ground!

����(��ʽ���ǿн��� �������ֵ�̫��ʽ�ˣ����˴��������߾;��úܲ����ڡ����ֵ�̫����㣬�����ֿ��ܲ�����դ��㡣����ҫ�ʵ�!)

����4.be clear and concise.

����get to the heart of the matter quickly and don��t waste words. on the other hand, don��t assume that the person you��re talking to knows who you are and why you are contacting them - they may need a reminder and some background.


����5.keep quiet!

����communication is a two way street. listen to the opinions of others, don��t interrupt people when they are speaking, and don��t ignore criticism. also, people will be more willing to listen to you if they see that you��re listening to them!

����(���ְ���! ������˫����¡����������˵����������˵��ʱ��ҫ��������ҳ�ҫ����������������ң�������˾����������������ǵļ�������ҳ�����������ļ�!)











