
ʱ�䣺2022-05-11 08:20:00 �߿�ӣ�� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�




����would rather that somebody did"��ը��ը��"(��ʾ���ڻ�����ը��)

����would rather that somebody had done"��ը��ը��"(��ʾ��ȥ��ը��)


����i'd rather you posted the letter right now. ������������ȥ���š�

����i'd rather you were not a celebrated actor. in that case, we could spend more time together.


����i'd rather that i hadn't seen her yesterday. ����ը����û�п�������


����as if/though ���� did/had done�����񡭡�(��ʾ���ڻ���������ù�ȥʱ;��ʾ��ȥ������ù�ȥ���ʱ)[�ο�����4]


����our head teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class think highly of her.

����alan talked about rome as if he had been there. alan̸���������ͺ�����ȥ�������ƶġ�


����"wish ����ӿ�"����ʾ���� ����ʵ�ֵ�ը��

������ʾ���ڵ�ը�������� ��ȥʱ;

������ʾ��ȥ��ը�������� had done;

������ʾ������ը�������� would/could do


����how i wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! ����ѧ����ôϣ���и��������ʱ������լ�!

����i failed in the maths exam. how i wish i hadn't wasted so much time playing!

����what a pity you can't go to the party. how i wish i could dance with you at the party!


����it's high/about time that somebody did (should do) (shouldͨ����ʡ��) ����͸á���


����it's time that you went to school.= it's time that you should go to school.

����it's high time that we did something to improve our environment. ��������ϊ������щ�����ˡ�

����i think it's high time that she made up her mind. ���������ö������ˡ�


������̬���� ���ʲ���ʽ��ɽṹ���÷�

����could have done "��������"(��ʾ��ȥû��ʵ�ֵŀ���)��

����might have done "��������;����ӧ�û������ij��"(ʵ��û�з���;������΢����������

����should/ought to have done "��������ij��"(��ʵ��δ��)

����should not/ought not to have done "����������"(ʵ��ȴ�����ˣ�����������)

����needn't have done "����������"(�����ѿ�������)

����would rather have done "��ʱ��ը����ij��"(ʵ��û������);��ʽwould rather not have done�����෴��˼�����߶��б�ʾ"���"֮�⡣


����as, though, although�������ò�״��ӿ䡣

����[ע��]althoughλ�ھ���;thoughλ�ھ��׻����;asλ�ھ���=though�����ĵ����ǰѿ���ǿ�������ݴʡ����ʡ����ʻ����ʷ�������ǰ��[�ο���װ�ṹ] ��ע�����о�ʽ�ı仯��


����1. although/though i'm young, i already know what career i want to follow.

������young as/though i am, i already know what career i want to follow.


����2. although/though i respect him very much, i cannot agree with his idea.

������much as/though i respect him, i cannot agree with his idea. ��ȼ�һ��������������ҳ�ͬ�����ĺ۵㡣

����3. although/though he is a child, he knows a lot of chinese characters.

������child(ʡ�թڴ�)as/though he is, he knows a lot of chinese characters. ����ȼ���ǹ����ӣ�ȴ��ʶ�����຺�֡�

����4. although he tried, he couldn't solve the problem.

������try as he might, he couldn't solve the problem. ������ŭ���ˣ�������û�н�����⡣

����5. although it is raining, i'm going out for a walk.

������raining as it is, i'm going out for a walk. ����ȼ�����꣬�һ���ҫ��ȥɢ����

����6. strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident. ���������ȼ�եò���˼�飬ȴû�������ˡ�

����7. much as i would like to help, i have a lot to do. ��ȼ�һ�������㣬�������кܶ���ҫ����

����8. object as you may, i will go. ��ʹ�㷴�ԣ���ҳҫȥ��




����the roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.


����he ran off before i could stop him. �һ�û�����ü���ֹ�����ѿ����ˡ�

����to my great disappointment, my favorite singer left the concert before i could have a word with her.





����they walked about fifty miles to the west before they saw a village.


����the workers worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal.


����he almost knocked me down before he knew it.


����we had walked a long way before we found some water.


����five years went by before i knew it. ��֪�����������ȥ�ˡ�


����it was ʱ��� before"���˶�ò�(��ô��)"

����it was not long before"�����"

����it will (not) be ʱ��� before"ҫ�����(����)��"(before�ӿ�ν�ﶯ��ҫ��һ��ʱ̬)


����it was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.����������ʶ����������σ�ա�

����it was five days before he came back. ��������ż�����

����it will be half a year before you graduate from the school. �ٹ���������ܱ�ҵ��

����it will not be long before they understand each other. ���ǵ�ų��þͻụ���˽⡣


����in case of( n.) "�է�;��һ";

����in case that"�է�����һ"(ν�ﶯ����һ������ʱ̬��should ����ԭ��)


����in case of fire, what should we do?

����please remind me about it in case i forget/should forget. ��һ�����ˣ��������ҡ�

����in case (that) john comes/should come, please tell him to wait.

����please take your umbrella in case (that it rains/should rain).������ɡ���է����ꡣ











