
ʱ�䣺2022-04-25 18:00:08 ӣ��ף�� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�


����after dinner seven commandment�� i quit smoking�� quit immediatelyeat two fruits�� three ring relaxedbelt�� the four immediately quit drinking�� wujiebaibu walk�� bathe immediately quit six�� seven quit immediately to sleep�� journey�� remember��



����some people see you today�� you still as charming�� wearing a checked vest�� manyouyou to walk�� a detached look comfortable�� it is lovely to that�� you really do not know how that is saiguo rabbit��


����my love�� you take my breath away��

����what have you stepped in to smell this way��



����i want to feel your sweet embrace��

����but don��t take that paper bag off your face��



����i thought that i could love no other

�����cthat is until i met your brother��



����because of you�� i believe in fate�� perhaps all this are doomed to heaven�� having a mianmianzhizhong traction�� now i want to say is that i shangbeizi�� what is built nie ah����


����also known as the bricks and mortar boards infants bricks�� the old beijing is the most characteristic of the cultural heritageof one of a lethal strong�� and easy��to��carry concealed�� not weapons�� and other characteristics������ shoot you use the most appropriate��


����psychological test�� if you and the cowardrace�� you want to�� 1 you run fast�� as fast�� you coward slower than�� answer�� you than beasts also a beastyou are beasts�� beast than you�� happy april fool's day��


����i love your smile�� your face�� and your eyes

����damn�� i��m good at telling lies��



����i see your face when i am dreaming��

����that��s why i always wake up screaming��



����kind�� intelligent�� loving and hot��

����this describes everything you are not��



����notice�� aprilfool's day approaching�� on april 1 you receive text messages are bogus�� meaning exactly opposite�� please pay attention�� following is the first�� you are handsome styles yushulinfeng beauty of the blossoming devilbuild lover��

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����shaceng said�� i have 16 change�� journey said�� i have 32 change�� wukong said�� i am 72 changed�� in his tang seng�� nishi on the treatment�� you change a phone call�� i saw how other people look at monsters with phone messages�� happy april fool's day��












