
ʱ�䣺2021-11-14 12:12:18 ӣ��ף�� ��ҫͷ��
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����1.wishing you and yourfamily a very merry christmas. may this joyful season greet you with health andhappiness.


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����2.wishing you the bestduring this joyful season. i hope your holidays are filled with festivities andplenty of merry enjoyment.

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����3.may your family feel thelove, peace, and joy that come with the spirit of christmas. enjoy the happycheer.

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����4.may the light of christmasbe your sun that you may never walk in obscurity; i offer you this season��sgifts of joy and unending tstimonies. merry christmas

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����5.merry christmas: i bringyou divine favour, long life, good health, prosperity, success and the peace ofchrist born of a virgin.


����6.may the joy of christmasgive you key to every closed door; light to dispel any darkness in your lifeand may god grant you peace and favour. happy yuletide

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����7.may the air of christmaslift your spirit; the sun brighten your destiny and may moon of the season glowwith god��s favour in everything you lay your hands.

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����8.i share in white christmasdream of our joy with splendour of christ��s humble birth; may your days bebright and merry. merry white christmas

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����9.christmas is sign ofstars, angels and love divine come down from heaven, may love of christmasremain with you. merry yuletide

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����10.may the magic andheavenly gifts of christmas gladden and fill your hearts with joyful songs,cheerfulness and laughter.


����11.in this season ofchristmas, i wish you peace of the season, spirit of love, comfort of faith andbeauty of the yuletide.


����12.as we celebrate birth ofdivine baby born of a virgin, the servant and king, jesus christ, may yourheart find peace of heaven.


����13.yuletide is a season ofpeace, goodwill and abundance of mercy, may the joy of christ��s birth igniteyour heart with gladness and laughter. merry christmas.

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����14.sending warm wishes toyou and your family during this christmas season. may your home be blessed withlove and happiness.

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����15.i hope your holiday isfilled with plenty of warmth, love, cheer, and happiness. merry christmas toyou and yours.

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����16.may your holiday be merryand bright as well as the rest of your days. sending you lots of love thischristmas season.

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����17.with christmas comefaith, hope, and love. i wish all these things for you and your family duringthe holiday season.

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����18.remember during thisbeautiful holiday season that loves makes all things possible. merry christmasto you and your family.

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����19.may your home be filledwith the magic and joy of christmas and may your hearts be filled with love andwarmth.


����20.thinking of you duringthe holiday season and wishing you the best in all things. merry christmas andhappy new year.

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����21.from our home to yours,we wish you a christmas that is joyful and warm. well wishes to you and yours.

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����22.sending thoughtful wishesyour way in the hope you know the joy and treasures that come with thechristmas season.


����23.sending love and plentyof christmas cheer to you and your beautiful family. happy holidays to all ofyou.

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����24.may you experience lotsof love, laughter and joy this christmas and beyond and a very happy new yeartoo.


����25.here��s to hoping thechristmas season fills your home with the warmth and joyfulness that you andyour family deserve.












