
ʱ�䣺2022-05-10 19:51:37 ӣ��ף�� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�


����1. from all of us to all of you at thanksgiving. ����ȫ��ף���ǹж��ڿ��֡�


����2.thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.������ȫ�ҹж��ڵ�ף����

����3.warm wishes at thanksgiving �� �ڸж��ڣ����ĵ�ף�����ǡ�

����4.i wish you could be here on thanksgiving. ��ը���������ж��ڡ�

����5.it will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families gettogether. �����ž۵���������ܿ����㣬�һ�е��ѹ���

����6.our first thanksgiving should be our best.���ǵ�һ�ι��ȵĸж������������õ�ʱ�⡣

����7.i wouldn��t want to spend thanksgiving with anyone else.

����8.what a wonderful time to be together. ��һ���ʱ���ô���֡�

����9.thanksgiving just wont be the same without you . û���㣬�ж��ڣ��ͻ᲻һ����

����10.this will be our first thanksgiving apart. �⽫������ ��һ�β���һ����ж��ڡ�

����11.thanksgiving is a time when i tell you that i love you.�ж��ھ����ҹ������ұ����ʱ��

����12.thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.�����ǣ��ж�����ʱ�̣�����ҫ˵�����ƕ������ǡ�

����13.thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year. �ж�����һ������õľ��ա�

����14.i love to eat, so i love thanksgiving .�ұ��ԣ����� �ұ��ж��ڡ�

����15.i hope you are feeling thankful after your supper. ϣ����թ��������иж������顣

����16.i am getting hungry just thinking about it . һ�뵽���ҿͷ��ˡ�

����17.i will be home for thanksgiving ,so save a little turkey for me .�һ�ؼҹ��ж��ڵģ�����������𼦸��ұ���

����18.have a mid-full thanksgiving .�ж�����������ʳ��

����19.have a full thanksgiving day . �ж��ڿ��֣��úó�һ�ٰɡ�

����20.happy thanksgiving day !

����21.for all the days that i have been lonely ,for all the times that i havefelt blue, for all the times i needed ���� a shoulder to lean on .thanks for beingthere as a��л���⣬������ů����ц�ݲ����ޱ�;��л�����������ҷ�����������������;��лÿһ�죬��лÿ���£��ж��ڣ������ж��ģ�ը��������ã��ҹ���զ��!











