��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ1
����1��the sound of firecrackers is far from enough for me to bless you. all the happiness my friends give you is just a sesame i give you. the happiness i want to give you is beyond the box of pandora. national day is a new look�� �쵱�ı�����զզ�����ҷ����ף�������ѹ�������п���ֻ�������������һ��֥�飬��ҫ������ҹ����˶����ĺ���װ���µġ�����ը�����գ�
����2��blessing all the way to rush�� just for every minute. i miss you so much that i can bring greetings to you. national day relaxes oneself�� life seldom carefree. relax worries and pressures�� and rise happily step by step. wish you a good mood�� ף��һ·���ܣ�ֻϊ���ֶ��롣˼������δ�ˣ�ϊ���ʺ��������������լ��������ѵ���ң�����䷳��ѹ�������ֲ����ǹߡ��������¿ɼ���Ԥף�������ã�
����3��wishing you more and more happiness like a deposit bank�� dying out like a dinosaur�� showing your smiles like a cloud�� never getting old like a star�� friends from afar�� happy national day�� ը��ŀ����������һ��խ��խ�࣬ը��ķ��������һ���������ը������һ��ʱ��չ¶ц�գ�ը������һ����զ�����ϣ�զ�������ѣ�������֣�
����4��gone is the familiar�� the national day�� i wish the minute�� my concern always on your side�� i would like to with the blessings of light crosses sent�� along yew water rafting�� direct your hearts�� our warm friendship ת�����������ϥ�ĺ���ڣ��ҵ�ף���ַ����룬�ҵĺ���ʱʱ�̣̿�����������ߣ�ը�ҵ�`ף�������ʈ�ͣ�˳����ˮư����ֱ��������飬��ܰ���ǵ����ꡣ
����5��you is my chocolate�� i am your chocolate�� ah you see more beautiful�� you would think her inability. china's national day�� and i look forward to meet you�������ҵ��ɿ������������������������㰡�������������뵽��������������ѽڣ�����������ۣ�
����6��happiness�� sweetness�� happiness�� happiness�� festivity�� good luck�� well-being�� auspiciousness�� plus joy�� make a table of delicacies�� put on the big round table of national day joy�� let's raise a glass to celebrate: happy national day�� ���ҹ������ۣ����ģ����֣�ϲ�죬���⣬���������飬����ϲ��������һ�����ȣ����ϲ���ͬ�ֵĵ�բ���������ǿٱ�ͬ�죺���쿪�ŀ��֣�
����7��water in a stream�� fish in travel�� love you no reason�� blowing in the wind�� rain the next�� you want to have some affinity�� days affection�� and love�� the national romantic will it work? ˮ�����������σ����㲻��ҫ���ɣ����ڴ��������£����뱧����һ�£������飬�����飬��������һ���в���?
����8��clockwork information is not precious�� reminding friends is precious. if you are tired of the national day holiday�� please prepare for work. relax your mind and go to bed early�� double your luck and happiness. if you feel you're right�� there's a chance for a raise and promotion. ������ϣ������������ѻ�����쳤������ۣ���ҫ�ϰ��������ſ���˼���˯�����˿��ַ�һ��������о�˵�öԣ���н�����л��ᡣ
����9��think of you as the happiest thing�� see you as the happiest thing�� love you is what i will always do�� put you in mind is what i have been doing�� however�� deceiving you is just happening. ʮһ����������ֵ��£���������ĵ��£�����������զҫ�����£����������������һֱ�������£�������ƭ���ǹոշ������¡�
����10��you would like to have a good day national day holiday mood�� have done every sweet dream�� you always been concerned about all the people care�� a dream come true and happiness�� ը�����������춼�к����飬ҹҹ���������σ�����ʱʱ���˹��ġ��������˺ǻ������γ��棬�ҹ����֣�
����11��on the 11th national day�� the gathering of relatives and friends is very lively�� driving happily and carefree. for the sake of everyone's and their own safety�� don't forget: drinking without driving�� driving without drinking�� i wish you all a happy trip�� safe and safe home���� ʮһ���쵽��������ѿۻ�����֣��լݳ�������ң��ϊ�˴�һ��լ���������ȫ���������ⱦʋ��������������ⱦƣ�ף��ҹ߸����˳��у�ƽƽ�����ؼң�
����12��this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air�� into care�� hopefully we care among not only the advent of the national day holiday period.��������������ҷ�������ػ�����ը���ǽ�ĺػ��������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����13��on national day�� with no flowery rhetoric and no plagiarism of other people's thinking�� i only send sincere and simple greetings: god�� i hope you bless those who see this message free from danger and live a happy life with my best wishes. ת�۹��죬û�л����ĵ��壬����ϯ���˵�˼����ֻ��������ϵ�ף���ͼ��ʺã���ϣ���㱣���⿴���ŵ���ƽ�����ϣ�����ף�������������գ�
����14��went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day�� i hope you happy as xi�� always happy. happy national day�����ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ��֣�
����15��li-yan wang jiangshan�� huan chung-chun motherland years�� bless you�� happy national day��������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ��֣�
����16��october is high and cloudy�� autumn is sunny�� maple leaves are red�� and mountains are full of trees. the streets and lanes are full of happiness�� the fireworks in southeast and northwest are bright�� and the national day is full of smiles. i sincerely wish you happiness and safety. ʮ������ƶ�������������ã�ϲ���ҷ��飬ǧɽ���־�ⱦ�����с��������������������̻��貣�����ѽ�����ц�գ�����ף���ҹ�ƽ����
����17��national day gives you a happy continent�� planted everywhere with lucky trees�� sweet dates are ripening�� the fields harvest auspicious grain�� colorful birds dancing�� with happy notes in their mouths�� voices wish you health and happiness. �������ٹ�ͬ�죬ף���밮�������ྴ��ʵ������ܽ���ͣ��ƽ�������������飬����������ҵ���ˣ��ҹ����һƭ������
����18��today is national day. i wish you every happy day�� every happy day�� every happy hour�� every moment safe�� every minute wonderful�� every second happy. finally�� you have to smile forever and have a happy national day�� �����ǹ���ڣ���ף���������쳤���������֡����տ��ġ�ʱʱ�ҹ����̿�ƽ�����ַ־��ʡ����뻶�������ҫ��զц��������֣�
����19��on the 11th national day�� we offer our best wishes: let's beat drums and gongs�� wish our motherland like the rising sun�� never set�� let's dance and sing�� wish friends and family reunion�� happiness for thousands of years�� ʮһ���쵽������������ף��������������ġ������࣬ףը����������̫���������䣻�����������衢����裬ףը���ѽ�����բ���ҹ����곤��
����20��lost�� very missed. in this long national day holiday�� often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations�� bring blessings to a very experience�����þò�����ʮ��������������ĺ��쳤����������������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz����飡
����21��study makes people upward�� work makes people enriched�� leisure makes people relaxed�� communication makes people cheerful�� friendship makes people happy�� wish friends a happy national day: happy heart�� good mood every day�� ѧϰ��ʹ�����ϣ�������ʹ�˳�ʵ�����у�ʹ�����ɣ����ʣ�ʹ�˿��ʣ����꣬ʹ�˿��ģ�ף���ѹ���ѽڣ��������ģ�ÿ������飡
����22��one light�� cut the candles in the west window. thin wine�� a cup of wine�� talk about mulberry and hemp. a breeze�� warm and elegant. a word of blessing�� simple and sincere. national day holidays�� wish you laugh often�� �ƻ�һյ��������������һ�����ѿƻ�ɣ�顣���һ�ƣ���ܰ��ʈ�ݡ�ף��һ�䣬��ʵ����ϡ����쳤�٣�ը��ц�ڳ�����
����23��national day�� the national day�� celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy�� eternal happiness�� national day when you do not want to give too much�� just to give you 50 million��10 million to be happy�� healthy 10 million�� 10 million should be safe�� happy to 10 million�� 10 million mo forget me�� �����֮�ʣ��������̫�ֻ࣬������ǧ��ǧ��ҫ���֣�ǧ��ҫ������ǧ��ҫƽ����ǧ��ҫ֪�㣬ǧ��ī�����ң�
����24��girls like flowers�� and more broad-minded inclusion�� in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain�� the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth�����������һ����с������ض���㣬ϊ�˿�������أ������˳�˯�ĸ�ɽ�����ǻ����ı���ģ��.������������������������ĵط���
����25��national day wishes seven days�� 168 hours every day happy�� always a happy 10��800 points. ףը��������죬����������168сʱ��ʱʱ��������10800�֡�
����26��to live happily oneself is happiness�� and to let others live happily is happiness. happiness is rich and varied. if you only experience it with your heart�� you will feel happy�� happy national day�� �լ���ÿ������ľ����ҹ����ñ��˹��ÿ�������ҳ���ҹ����ҹ��ƿḻ��ɵģ�ֻ������ȥ��ᣬ�ͻ�о����ҹ���ף������֣�
����27��send you a ray of sunshine�� two bunches of flowers�� sanyang kaitai�� the four gods of wealth�� in addition to my sincere wishes�� the synthesis of a sentence: 11 happy�� happy national day�� ����һ�����⣬�����ʻ���������̩���ķ������ڼ�������ֿ��ף�����ϳ���һ�䣺ʮһ���֣��������ĺ����죡
����28��when national day comes�� send you a cloud�� relax and enjoy yourself�� give you a flower�� close your eyes�� and smell the fragrance�� give you a ray of wind�� don't be polite�� pumping as much as you like�� pull the wind if you don't want to�� and make the national day holiday a little more exciting�� ���쵽������һ���ƣ��ſ��ģ�������ң������һ֦���������ۣ��������㣻����һ�ʒ磬�����������飬�����������ɣ��ѹ�����ڹ�������щ��
����29��you raise your head and look at sms�� concerns in regards to this inter�� i give you a special blessing to have it every minute per second gives you health�� happiness and good luck and i hope that this is the best that you spend the national day�� ̧��ͷ�������ţ�ǣ�ҿ������ʺ�䣡�������ر��ף����ը��ÿ��ÿ�붼�����㽡�������˺��ҹ���ϣ��������ȹ��������õĺ���ڣ�ը��̶̵ļ�������������ŀ��֣�
����30��national day�� happy to talk to you�� happy smiles open�� happiness find you hand in hand�� fortune boundless�� auspicious to meet you�� everything is auspicious�� carefree to find you travel�� comfortable infinite�� friends send you blessings�� happy national day�� �����ˣ���������̸�ģ�ϲц�տ����ҹ�����ǣ�֣������ޱߣ�����������ͷ�����´���ң�������σ�������ޣ���������ף�������쿪����
����31��every day celebrates the national day�� leisurely and comfortable for a long vacation�� work pressure is abandoned�� worries and distresses are thrown away�� put on a happy smile�� walk around the mountains and rivers to leave a beautiful shadow�� a blessing with the wind�� wish you happy national day. happy national day�� ����ͬ��ӭ���죬�����������٣�����ѹ��ȫ��������ն����������ͽ��ֵ�ц�գ�����ɽˮ��ٻӱ��һ��ף�������ը���������ң��������֣�
����32��september has passed the beginning of october�� the national day holiday grief. friends�� colleagues and things�� not sweet reunion�� leaving me alone�� blank in front of the computer�� send a text message freely�� wishing you a distant family member�� 11 happy�� �����ѹ�ʮ�³��������ٿ��dz����ͬ�¸��������������۱��žۣ�ֻʣ�¶���һ�ˣ����ŵ��կշ�����˳�ַ�������ϣ��Ԥףզ�������㣬ʮһ���֣�
����33��throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day�� let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu: everything is�� come�����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���ף�����´������³ɣ�
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ2
����18.golden earth always has golden fragrance��golden fields always have golden harvest��golden sky always has golden wings��golden autumn always has golden melody. golden autumn and october are celebrating the national day. happy to you����ɫ�����������н�ɫ�ķҷ�����ɫ���������н�ɫ���ջ�ɫ����գ����н�ɫ�ij��ɫ�����죬���н�ɫ�����ɡ�����ʮ��ӭ���죬ף�㿪�ģ�
����19.friends��the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland��where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it��to see so many concubine jiangshan��zheyaoshan countless heroes do�����ѣ���ȫ���������������֮�ʣ����뵽����ȥ�ȹ����ѵü�����?����һ���ȥ���߰ɣ�������ɽ��˶ཿ��������ӣ�۾���������
����20.����i put all the blessings of plug in this message��in celebrate this day��to your side��i wish you a happy life��together with our motherland is thriving���ұ����е�ף�������������������������ͬ���������͵�������ߣ�ը�������ҹ��������ǵ����һ���������ϣ�
����21.when the moon is full��people get together��and the lamp beauty is more beautiful����բ����բ�������˸�����
����22.bless you: national day��family day��universal celebration��official resources��financial resources��right and left��popularity��luck��fate��willing��wish��wish.ף���������졢���졢����ͬ�죬��դ����դ�����ҷ�դ����ե����ե��եե���ϣ���ը����ը��ըը���ġ�
����23.blessing all the way to rush��just for every minute. i miss you so much that i can bring greetings to you. national day relaxes oneself��life seldom carefree. relax worries and pressures��and rise happily step by step. wish you a good mood��ף��һ·���ܣ�ֻϊ���ֶ��롣˼������δ�ˣ�ϊ���ʺ��������������լ��������ѵ���ң�����䷳��ѹ�������ֲ����ǹߡ��������¿ɼ���Ԥף�������ã�
����24.it's another golden autumn month. we welcome the national day with joy. there is no gorgeous rhetoric��but we have sincere thinking. send a simple greeting. i wish you a happy national day and everything is ok������һ������£�����ϲ��ӭ���죬û�л����ĵ��壬ȴ�����ĵ�˼�������ϼ��ʺã�ը�������֣�һ�ж��ã�
����25.filled the air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming national day holiday period.�������ַ���ijʴ����������у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�.ʱ�̡�
����26.����friends always at heart��the bosom friend is precious��the lamplight��good friends��small order��good news��hope friends see - such as people��time don't forget to friends. i wish my friends happy national day holiday season���������������ģ�֪������ֵǧ�𣬵ƹ�֮��˼���ѣ�ссѷ�������������ѽ�ѷ����ˣ�ʱ�̱��������ġ�Ԥף�ҵ����ѹ���ѽ���죡
����27.happy national day������ڿ��֣�
����28.national day vacation��leisure��every day in the face of the ceiling. wish your family well-being��a happy holiday.������ں����у���������컨�塣ףը��ȫ�ҷ��������������ĺ����ڡ�
����29.national day mid autumn reunion��family and friends together��lovers and lovers together��you and i he together��together for tomorrow better and get together������������ۣ����������ۣ�����������ۣ���������ۣ����һ��ϊ������ö���۰ɣ�
����30.wish you a happy national day and family reunion��ը������ѽڣ��ϼ���բ��
����31.the auspicious moment came again��and the national day was happy.������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ����
����32.wishing you more and more happiness like a deposit bank��dying out like a dinosaur��showing your smiles like a cloud��never getting old like a star��friends from afar��happy national day��ը��ŀ����������һ��խ��խ�࣬ը��ķ��������һ���������ը������һ��ʱ��չ¶ц�գ�ը������һ����զ�����ϣ�զ�������ѣ�������֣�
����33.on national day��with no flowery rhetoric and no plagiarism of other people's thinking��i only send sincere and simple greetings: god��i hope you bless those who see this message free from danger and live a happy life with my best wishes.ת�۹��죬û�л����ĵ��壬����ϯ���˵�˼����ֻ��������ϵ�ף���ͼ��ʺã���ϣ���㱣���⿴���ŵ���ƽ�����ϣ�����ף�������������գ�
����34.may national day bring you happiness and safety��ף����찲�����֣�
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ3
����1��wish you a happy national day and a sweet smile��ף�����ѽڣ�ц����
����2��it's national day again. i wish you a smooth career��a smooth life��good luck all the way and a happy and healthy life���ֵ����죬ը����ҵһ��ƽ��������һ����˳��һ·���ǹ��գ�һ���ҹ�������
����3��it's the national day again. in this day of national celebration��i hope you will be happy and happy forever. happy national day���ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ��֣�
����4��wish you good luck. happy national day��ը�㼪�����⡣������֣�
����5��may your happiness index remain high��happy national day��ը���ҹ�ָ���ӹ߲��£�������֣�
����6��may your family be happy and everything go well.ը��ϼһ��֣��������⡣
����7��this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air��into care��hopefully we care among not only is the national day holiday period.��������������ҷ�������ػ�����ը���ǽ�ĺػ��������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�.ʱ�̡�
����8��national day��you are happy and happy��happy and beautiful������ѽڣ����ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�
����9��the national day is coming quietly. i wish you good luck and happiness.ʮһ���������������ĵ���ף���������ը��ϲ������
����10��the auspicious moment came again��and the national day was happy.������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ����
����11��i wish you a happy national day��happiness and health��ף����ڿ��֣��ҹ�������
����12��national day vacation��leisure��every day in the face of the ceiling. wish your family well-being��a happy holiday.������ں����у���������컨�塣ףը��ȫ�ҷ��������������ĺ����ڡ�
����13��national day is coming. i wish you happiness ahead of time.����ѽھ�ҫ���ˣ���ǰ�����ҵ�ף����ը���ҹ����֡�
����14��in the coming days of national day��send blessings in advance. happy national day����ʮһ�����������������ǰ����ף����������֣�
����15��happy national day��usher in luck��always happy�����ֹ��죬ӭ�����ˣ���զ���ģ�
����16��i sincerely wish you a happy national day and a happy family������ף��������֣��ϼ��ҹ���
����17��red flowers and autumn wind. the whole nation is happy and prosperous.����ǧ��ӭ���죬ƭƭ��ҷ����硣�ٹ������뻶�����һ�ʢ�����ˡ�
����18��the national day and the mid autumn festival meet��and the family reunion spirit is strong. i wish you a happy holiday and everything you want.���졢�������������ϼ���բ����㡣ף��������졢�����³ɡ�
����19��in the whole country celebrate the day��i wish you my family and the country's growing prosperity go hand in hand��bless you my friend. ����ٹ���������ӣ�ը���ҵļ�ͥ����ҵ����深����飬ף�����ҵ����ѡ�
����20��wish: everything goes well and everything comes true��ף�����´������³ɣ�
����21��countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots��how are you me you me you me. ���üһù��һüҽҷ��ù�բ��բ����բ���˽�բ������һ����һ����ҷ��á�
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ4
����throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.
����when you see i will give you the blessing of this��you should first hard wall��see not��you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day!
����great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland��the people of the motherland blessings every day upward. bless you��i become more expansive pocket��bless our health beautiful wife.
����early years with the sea��to make a 10000 block; later me network��the extent to more than 10 million; this year��s national gambling��in a more than five million! one!
����filled the air in this ribbon��into concerns sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns��is no longer coming national day holiday period.�������ַ���ijʴ����������у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����guo guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead! you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow!
����this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air��into care��hopefully we care among not only the advent of the national day holiday period.
����throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu�� everything is��come!
����you is my chocolate��i am your chocolate��ah you see more beautiful��you would think her inability. china��s national day��and i look forward to meet you!
����meet with you in the fall��the national day��in early winter long you think christmas��kiss you have green grass in the spring��the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date��okay?
����full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����autumn years��the harvest season��i wish the most sincere smile with you�� deeply wishes you happy national day��cause brilliant touch down!!
����national day��the national day��celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy��eternal happiness!���죬���죬�ٹ����졣�������ף���������飬���쿪�ģ���������!
����lost��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years.time to find some locations��bring blessings to a very experience!
����girls like flowers��and more broad-minded inclusion��in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain��the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
����national day when you do not want to give too much��just to give you 50 million��10 million to be happy��healthy 10 million��10 million should be safe�� happy to 10 million��10 million mo forget me!
����states have a home��you can have a home��you have me��i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!
����went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day��i hope youhappy as xi��always happy. happy national day!�ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ���!
����just off the beautiful chang e��ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing��i wish you all the best and every success! ! !
����ok water to the poor��from sit-see��it found that the most important fact of life is��get some things to eat��or drink some things��you find a love of people��can still find some of the national day holidays to bless you friend!
����every qingfengdian drizzle for a while��i will let you gently reminds me; each sms a blessing��our hearts will be stronger; coincides with the occasion of national day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day!
����may walk out��relax breathing��to brilliant sunshine. the rotten heart to water��dust to be a disappearing eyes.
����celebrate your country��pepsi! everything drinks! wow daily ha ha! constantly improve! keke macleod high! feeling like sprite! always smart!
����states have a home��you can have a home��you have me��i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!
����national day��the national day��celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy��eternal happiness! national day when you do not want to give too much��just to give you 50 million��10 million to be happy�� healthy 10 million��10 million should be safe��happy to 10 million��10 million mo forget me!
����autumn years��the harvest season��i wish the most sincere smile with you�� deeply wishes you happy national day��cause brilliant touch down!!!
����full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����lost��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations��bring blessings to a very experience!
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ5
����1��my friend��i wish you a delicious national day holiday dinner. sleep beautiful��smile every day��always happy��live more natural than the wind��smile more brilliant than flowers��physical and mental well-being��happy national day�����ѣ�ףը����쳤�ٷ��ե��㡣��˯����������ц��ʱʱ���ģ���ñȷ�������ц�ñȼ����ã����i�����������֣�
����2��majestic mountains and rivers��emerged years��bless our country strong and prosperous��blessed our lives into a well-off��happy national day��ɽ��׳����������ɣ�ף�����ǵĺ��ҷ��ٸ�ǿ��ף�����ǵ������с��������ڿ��֡�
����3��may walk out��relax breathing��to brilliant sunshine. the rotten heart to water��dust to be a disappearing eyes.
����4��full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind�� the entire country is behind qi and the home��sheng everything�� this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky��
����5��long time no see��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations��bring blessings��to a very experience���þò�����ʮ��������������ĺ��쳤����������������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz����飡
����6����li-yan wang jiangshan, huan chung-chun motherland years. bless you, happy national day! ��������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ���!
����7��national day vacation��leisure��every day in the face of the ceiling. wish your family well-being��a happy holiday.������ں����у���������컨�塣ףը��ȫ�ҷ��������������ĺ����ڡ�
����8��smile��ten years old��i hope you have no trouble in life��happy��peaceful heart��i hope you are free and easy in everything��national day��rest��i hope you have everything. happy national day��цһц��ʮ���٣�ը���������գ���һ�֣���ƽ�ͣ�ը�����¶����ѣ�����ڣ�ъһъ��ը��ʲô��ȱ��������֣�
����9������you raise your head and look at sms��concerns in regards to this inter��i give you a special blessing to have it every minute per second gives you health��happiness and good luck and i hope that this is the best that you spend the national day�����˺��ҹ���ϣ��������ȹ��������õĺ���ڣ�ը��̶̵ļ�������������ŀ��֣�
����10��whereas the inspire you spicy warm sunshine��filar silk cool breeze gives you zi zi��streaming shower wash your abrasive dust��i wish i just greeting to you frequently good luck�����ƶ����⼤�������������飻˿˿���縳�������̵���ˬ�����ܵ�ϸ���ˢ�������ij�������ը�ҷ̶̵�ף��������ƶƶ�ĺ��ˣ�
����11��autumn is the season of harvest��fall is tempting moment. harvest to you forever if autumn fruits��laughter to you forever if blooming flowers.�������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�ը���ջ���զ������˶����ը�㻶ц��զ��ʢ�����ʻ���
����12��each sms a blessing��our hearts will be stronger; coincides with the occasion of
����13��wish: everything goes well and everything comes true��ף�����´������³ɣ�
����14����throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu: everything is, come! �����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���ף�����´������³�!
����15��as the sky stars��beautiful and splendid; as the early morning florets��fresh colors.���ѣ�����ȥ��ᣬfriends intentions to experience autumn wind will give you my blessing��happiness and joy forever willing to accompany you��to make you enjoy the national day holiday!
����16��family affairs��state affairs��everything goes well��you celebrate everyone's day��celebrate all the world��travel all over the country most want to mother��travel all over the world most want to motherland.���¹��������£�����˳�ģ������������죬����ͬ�죬�߱��������ĸ�ף��߱��������������
����17��there is a kind of concern that comes unasked��there is a tacit understanding that can not be replaced��there is a kind of missing because you exist��there is a kind of loneliness called waiting��there is a kind of silence that is not forgotten��there is a kind of friend who always cares for you��happy national day����һ�ֹ��ij�����������һ��ĭ����ȡ������һ��˼��������ڣ���һ�ֹµ������ȴ�����һ�ֳ�ĭ������������һ��������զ����ػ���ף������֣�
����18��just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !
����19������like wine sincere friendship��thick as alcohol��aromatic might overflow��the beauty of autumn brought to the united states��the united states engaging. friends��at this time of happiness��let happiness and goodness will accompany you forever��happy national day����ֿ��������ͬ���ƣ�ũũ�紼���������磬��ɫ�����������������ܣ������������������ѣ������ҹ���ʱ����ÿ��ֺ�������զ������㣡������֣�
����20��just off the beautiful chang e��ushered in the birthday of the motherland�� i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing��i wish you all the best and every success��
����21������the sky fluttering drizzle��a concerned��sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns��is no longer a national day holiday period.������������ëëϸ�꣬���ź��у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����22��countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots��how are you me you me you me.���üһù��һüҽҷ��ù�բ��բ����բ���˽�բ������һ����һ����ҷ��á�
����23��autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply
����24��autumn years��the harvest season��i wish the most sincere smile with you��deeply wishes you happy national day��cause brilliant touch down��
����25��went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i
����26��wish the national day seven days��happy hours every day��always happy.ףը��������죬����������сʱ��ʱʱ�������ķ֡�
����27��may your family be happy and everything go well.ը��ϼһ��֣��������⡣
����28��the national day is coming. send my best wishes in advance. may you be happy.����ѽھ�ҫ���ˣ���ǰ�����ҵ�ף����ը���ҹ����֡�
����29��red flowers and autumn wind. the whole nation is happy and prosperous.����ǧ��ӭ���죬ƭƭ��ҷ����硣�ٹ������뻶�����һ�ʢ�����ˡ�
����30��the rush of time��time passes. color is never legs blessing��change is never friendship. i deeply wish you a happy happy day. to this short speech to the national day brings you happiness����ʱ��ҵң��������š�������ɫ����ף���������ı�������顣�������ף���㿪�ŀ���ÿһ�졣
����31��autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !
����32��happy in life��but who are willing to reject��who receive waiver��in fact��the palm happiness��as long as gently thrust��and this life will be as easily sunshine!
����34������sends out the deep thoughts��no matter how big is the world��keep the undying friendship��no matter how long that don't have��sincere blessings��no matter how far apart. national day holiday is coming��i wish all peace��joy.�ͳ������˼����������ж����ס��������꣬��������ж�ã�������ֿ��ף������������ж�զ������ѽڼ������٣�ף�ؼ�ƽ�������֡�
����35��you is my chocolate��i am your chocolate��ah you see more beautiful��you would think her inability. china��s national day��and i look forward to meet you!
����36��lost, very missed. in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!
����37��with the national day approaching��i would like to send you a complete blessing. i hope you can feel relaxed and happy during the holiday. the whole family will be happy and happy.���콫�����ڴ�������һ��բ����ף�����㣬ը���ڼ���������ᵽ���ɺͿ��֣�ȫ����ա���ҹ�������
����38��every qingfengdian drizzle for a while��i will let you gently reminds me��each sms a blessing��our hearts will be stronger��coincides with the occasion of national day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day��
����39��read and forward this information as soon as possible is likely to be a major award��the prize is the world's most precious��most hard to find��the most unique sincere blessings��happy.�����ķ���ת��������ϣ���п����ش���ʒ����������ϊ���ģ���ϊ��ѱ�ģ���ϊ��һ�������ף����ʮһ���֡�
����40��just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !
����41��stars happy little more like the very revel��the truth here��as the longer touch the very intoxicated��cumulative little happiness��and drops prestige truth��the whole country celepating this day��let us together memories���ҹ����㷱��խ��խ��������������������խ��խ���˳������ۻ�����ҹ�����صε����飬������ٹ�����������������һͬ������
����42����autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment. if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. ��������ջ��`���ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�ը���ջ���զ������˶����ը�㻶ц��զ��ʢ�����ʻ���
����43����water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; blowing in the wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; days affection, and love, the national romantic will it work? ��ˮ�����������σ����㲻��ҫ����;���ڴ��������£����뱧����һ��;�����飬�����飬��������һ���в���?
����44��this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air��into care��hopefully we care among not only is the national day holiday period.��������������ҷ�������ػ�����ը���ǽ�ĺػ��������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����45��just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !�ո��������������϶���ӭ��������ļ�������˻����ҳ��϶������ĵ�ף����ף��һ��˳�����������⣡����
����46��the sky is blue��the grass is green��and the national day holiday inspires people. beautiful mountains��clear water��travel everywhere hand in hand. tie your belly and buy less clothes. this year's cost is yours���������������࣬���쳤�������ġ�ɽ���㣬ˮ���壬я�ֱ��ȥ���с�����ƥ�������£�������ù����룡
����47��full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi,
����48��they live a happy heart is happy��and let people live a happy heart is happy. happiness is rich and varied��only to experience your intentions��it will feel happy��i wish a happy national day���լ���ÿ������ľ����ҹ����ñ��˹��ÿ�������ҳ���ҹ����ҹ��ƿḻ��ɵģ�ֻ������ȥ��ᣬ�ͻ�о����ҹ���ף������֣�
����49��sends out the deep thoughts��no matter how big is the world��keep the undying friendship��no matter how long that don't have��sincere blessings��no matter how far apart. national day holiday is coming��i wish all peace��joy.�ͳ������˼����������ж����ס��������꣬��������ж�ã�������ֿ��ף������������ж�զ������ѽڼ������٣�ף�ؼ�ƽ�������֡�
����50����lost��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations��bring blessings to a very experience!�þò�����ʮ��������������ĺ��쳤����������������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz�����!
����51��greatblessingmorepowerfulandprosperousmotherland,thepeople ofthemotherland
����52��when the moon is full��people get together��and the lamp beauty is more beautiful����բ����բ�������˸�����
����53��on the national day��the wind is clear and the moon is bright. take your hand and bathe in the moonlight. talk softly and slowly.����֮����������я��֮�֣������¹⣬����ϸ�����������
����54��matter how far away��no matter how many years��let my blessing to the stars��dodges in your life every day��happy national day���������զ�����ܶ����꣬ը�ҵ�ף����ϊ���ǵ�㣬������������ÿһ�죡������֣�
����55����full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!����ǧ��ӭ���죬ƭƭ��ҷ����硣�ٹ������뻶�����һ�ʢ�����ˡ�ը��ʢ��ľ��մ�������զ������!
����56��lost��very missed�� in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years��
����57��national day��the national day��celebrating the country�� the birthday wish you good mood every day happy��eternal happiness��
����58��study makes people upward��work makes people enriched��leisure makes people relaxed��communication makes people cheerful��friendship makes people happy��wish friends a happy national day: happy heart��good mood every day��ѧϰ��ʹ�����ϣ�������ʹ�˳�ʵ�����у�ʹ�����ɣ����ʣ�ʹ�˿��ʣ����꣬ʹ�˿��ģ�ף���ѹ���ѽڣ��������ģ�ÿ������飡
����59��using your fingertips��send best wishes��light up your smile to make a best gift��let your mood��decorate the joy of the festival��i wish you a whole country celebrating this day happy happiness.�趯��ָ�⣬�ͳ�������ף����������ц�ݣ�����һ����õ�����ŷ������飬װ�ν��յļ��֣�ը��ٹ���������ӿ����ҹ���
����60��parents happy national day!health!
����61��i will be full blessing huang letter��on the occasion of national day��send with the far-away place of you. i wish you a happy national day��wishing��business is booming���ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����զ�����㡣ף�����ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ�������ϣ�
����62��cow leather is used for blowing��a bird's wings are used to fly��national day long vacation is used for self release��so a few days a year��children��and to cherish��wish you have a happy national day��ţ��ƥ���������ģ���ij���������ɵģ����쳤�����������ҷŷɵģ�һ�����ô���죬���ӣ��ú���ϧ�ɣ�ף�������ŀ��ģ�
����63��meet with you in the fall, the national day, in early winter long you think christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date, okay?���������������ˬ�ĺ��죬�����ڳ���������ʥ����������������̵ĵ��죬ֻ����������㡪��-�������һ�����õ�լ�ᣬ����?
����64��it's the national day again. in this day of national celebration��i hope you will be happy and happy forever. happy national day���ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ��֣�
����65��the goleden autumn is the harvest season. together with my sincere smile��i wish you a happy national day and a brilliant career����������£����յļ��ڣ�ը������ϵ�ц�ݰ����㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�ի��ڴ
����66������blade in the beautiful shadow��swaying waves covered in memory of my mind. the autumn wind whistle conceal loneliness in my heart. i want you to know that you are in my heart forever song��happy national day��ҷƭҡҷ��������ӱ�ӣ����˸������ҽ�����ժ��������������������ļ�į����ϣ����֪����������������զ�ĸ裡����ڿ��֣�
����67��when you see i will give you the blessing of this��you should first hard wall��see not��you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day!
����68��in recent years��we all pay attention to "late"��as if this is important. have a cup of tea��watch a party��get married later��marry a younger generation��and worship the old age. but the blessings of national day can't be late. happy holidays to you������ͷ����������������������ե���ҫ���ȸ��������������������������������ȣ�����������ݸ���������������ڵ�ף���������ˣ�ף����տ��֣�
����69��states have a home��you can have a home��you have me��i wish my dear parents happy national day��health��
����70��clouds are flying with the wind��happy one after another��happy and happy��happy and happy laugh��comfortable and high-spirited��11 long holidays come��happy national day originally��text messages sent as scheduled��i wish you a happy national day��indulgent and heroic.�ƶ��������ɣ����ַ�������������ң��ˬц�����ĸ�զ�鷢쭣�ʮһ���ٵ��������쿪���������������ڼ�����ף�������죬���������
����71��when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day!���㿴���ҹ�������ף�����뽫ͷ����ײǽ������û�у�����ǰ������������������ף�����������!
����72��national day golden week��for you to ask hou. usually work more��take the opportunity to relax yo��be careful when going out. safety is very important. i'm finished talking nonsense��pig. how are you.����ƽ��ܣ����㷢�ʺƽʱ�����࣬�˻�����ӵ������ҫ���ģ���ȫ��ǧ�𡣷ϻ���˵�꣬����ú��档
����73��i wish you good luck and good luck.ը�㼪�ǹ��գ����˳��顣
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ6
����1��on the national day�� the wind is clear and the moon is bright. take your hand and bathe in the moonlight. talk softly and slowly. ����֮����������я��֮�֣������¹⣬����ϸ�����������
����2��wish you good luck. happy national day�� ը�㼪�����⡣������֣�
����3��i wish the whole family happiness�� happiness and health on national day�� ��ף����ѽںϼһ��֣��ҹ�������
����4��i wish you a happy national day and all the best�� ףը��������֣��������⣡
����5��friends�� happy national day and all the best�� ���ѣ�������֣��������⣡
����6��national day�� you are happy and happy�� happy and beautiful�� ����ѽڣ����ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�
����7��may your happiness index remain high�� happy national day�� ը���ҹ�ָ���ӹ߲��£�������֣�
����8��wish: everything goes well and everything comes true�� ף�����´������³ɣ�
����9��wish you a happy national day and family reunion�� ը������ѽڣ��ϼ���բ��
����10��the national day is coming quietly. i wish you good luck and happiness. ʮһ���������������ĵ���ף���������ը��ϲ������
����11��wish you a happy national day�� ը�㣬�ŷ����룬������֣�
����12��wish you a beautiful life and a happy national day�� ը�㣺�������ã�������֣�
����13��national day is coming. may you be happy and fly happily�� ���쵽�ˣ�ը�㿪�����ǣ��ҹ����裡
����14��look at the beautiful rivers and mountains�� and celebrate the eternal spring of the motherland. wish you a happy national day�� ����ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ��֣�
����15��31national day blessings run fast�� fresh baked in advance. ������ף���ܵÿ죬���ʳ�¯��ǰ����
����16��happy national day�� better and better�� ף����ڿ��֣�խ��խ�ã�
����17��i wish you a happy national day and good health�� ף�������죬���彡����
����18��the auspicious moment came again�� and the national day was happy. ������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ����
����19��i sincerely wish you a happy national day and a happy family�� ����ף��������֣��ϼ��ҹ���
����20��when the moon is full�� people get together�� and the lamp beauty is more beautiful�� ��բ����բ�������˸�����
����21��i wish you a happy national day and happiness for a long time�� ף�������죬�ҹ����ã�
����22��i sincerely wish you happiness and happiness forever�� happy national day�� ����ף�㣬�ҹ�˫˫�������ֵ���զ������ڿ��֣�
����23��the national day is coming. send my best wishes in advance. may you be happy. ����ѽھ�ҫ���ˣ���ǰ�����ҵ�ף����ը���ҹ����֡�
����24��national day is coming�� let's wish guoyuan�� jiayuan�� jiaxing and guoxing�� ��������٣������ǹ�ףը��բ��բ���һ��ˣ�
����25��may you grow up happily and have a happy national day�� ը�㣬�ҹ��ɳ���������֣�
����26��may you be happy and safe. ը�㿪���ҹ���ƽ��χ�ơ�
����27��the national day is coming. i wish you a happy holiday�� �����ѵ���ף�����ϣ�ը���ŀ��ֹ����٣�
����28��in the coming days of national day�� send blessings in advance. happy national day�� ��ʮһ�����������������ǰ����ף����������֣�
����29��national day is coming. may your family be happy and happy forever�� ���콫����ը���ؼ��ҹ���������פ��
����30��i wish you all the best and wealth. ը������˳�⣬�ƹ�������
����31��i wish you a happy national day and rich flowers�� ף�������죬��������
����32��national day�� the whole country celebrates together�� celebrating the motherland more and more prosperous. ����ѽڣ��ٹ�ͬ�죬�����խ��խ������
����33��wish you a happy national day and all the best�� ը����컶�֣��������⣡
����34��i wish you a happy national day and happiness�� ף����ڿ��֣��ҹ����ڣ�
����35��may your family be happy and everything go well. ը��ϼһ��֣��������⡣
����36��the national day holiday has come. happy national day�� ���쳤��������������ڿ��֣�
����37��the national day and the mid autumn festival meet�� and the family reunion spirit is strong. i wish you a happy holiday and everything you want. ���졢�������������ϼ���բ����㡣ף��������졢�����³ɡ�
����38��i wish you a happy national day and happy every day�� ף���ĺ����죬����ÿһ�죡
����39��wish: happy national day and everything you want�� ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ�
����40��i wish you good luck and good luck. ը�㼪�ǹ��գ����˳��顣
����41��i wish you a happy national day�� happiness and health�� ף����ڿ��֣��ҹ�������
����42��national day�� national day wonderful�� national day blessing�� may you smile. ���쵽�����������ף��ը��ц��
����43��happy national day�� happy seven days�� ����ڿ��֣������ַ��죡
����44��i wish you a happy national day and a happy life�� ף�������죬һ���ҹ���
����45��national day is coming. may you be happy and bloom happy flowers all your life�� ���쵽��ը�������ֹ�����һ�������ҹ�����
����46��it's national day again. i wish you a smooth career�� a smooth life�� good luck all the way and a happy and healthy life�� �ֵ����죬ը����ҵһ��ƽ��������һ����˳��һ·���ǹ��գ�һ���ҹ�������
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ7
����national day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million:
����10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to
����10 million, 10 million mo forget me!
����states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents
����happy national day! health!
����went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i hope you
����happy as xi, always happy. happy national day!
����just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this
����opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every
����success! ! !
����girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy
����mountain, the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is
����where my growth.
����lost, very missed. in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years.
����time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!
����full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi,
����and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply
����wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !
����national day, the national day, celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good
����mood every day happy, eternal happiness!
����states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!�й����мң��мҳ����㣬��������ң�ף���װ��i���������!���彡��!
����went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i hope you happy as xi, always happy. happy national day!�ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ���!
����just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !�ո��������������϶���ӭ��������ļ�������˻����ҳ��϶������ĵ�ף����ף��һ��˳������������!!!
����national day, the national day, celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!���죬���죬�ٹ����졣�������ף���������飬���쿪�ģ���������!
����in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking. sincerely wish you a happy national day.
����without the country, how can there be home; no home, how can there be you and me. national day approaching, let us wish of the family yuan yuan, everything!û�й������м�;û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףը��բ��բ���һ�������!
����national day morning when you boot, you can see me on the blessings, one of the hearts of roses, you bring a lifetime of good luck.
����meet with you in the fall, the national day, in early winter long you think christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date, okay?���������������ˬ�ĺ��죬�����ڳ���������ʥ����������������̵�`���죬ֻ����������㡪��-�������һ�����õ�լ�ᣬ����?
����as the sky stars��beautiful and splendid; as the early morning florets��fresh colors.���ѣ�����ȥ��ᣬfriends intentions to experience autumn wind will give you my blessing��happiness and joy forever willing to accompany you��to make you enjoy the national day holiday!
����happy in life��but who are willing to reject��who receive waiver��in fact��the palm happiness��as long as gently thrust��and this life will be as easily sunshine!ף������֡��������! the national day happy��happy holidays!
����friends need to bear in mind��busy��a short text messages on the convenience of a telephone contact. at every turn on the phone for a more trend��but a friend��it is a lifetime thing��i wish a happy national day!
����learning people up; work enrich people; leisure��people relaxed; communication��cheerful people; friendship��happy people; friends national day wish��a happy day good mood!
����i wish i was blessed streams��flows quietly in the hearts of friends��must not continuous; i wish my concern is the maple leaf��gently spinning autumn of life��though friends greetings��happy national day!
����gone is the familiar��the national day��i wish the minute��my concern always on your side! i would like to with the blessings of light crosses sent��along yew water rafting��direct your hearts��our warm friendship
����girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy
����mountain, the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is
����where my growth.
����lost, very missed. in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years.
����time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ8
����1. ҹҹ����˼�������˼�զ�����㣬����ڣ�����ȼ��į����ȴ�������!��ϊ�������ĵ�ף��!
����2. �ҹ����㷱��խ��խ��������;����������խ��խ���˳���;�ۻ�����ҹ�����صε����飬������ٹ�����������������һͬ����!
����3. ����ˮ�����������ʱ���ŷ���������ʵ����ҫ���ǣ���һщ�եķ�������һщ�ȵķ�������һ��������ˣ������ҵ�һщ�����ڹ���ѽڸ���ף�������ѡ�
����4. ���㣬��һ�����˵����������۵���ꡣ�����棬ȴ��һ��ʲôҳ���治�˵���ܰ�������ľ�����ҹ�����!
����5. �դӱ����㣬�ľͷų����㣬��·ǣ���㣬���˱����㣬���䴧���㣬���ȶ����㣬����װ����!��ѽ�㣬��ûƣ������ϊ̫����!������������!
����6. ���ӱ����ڷdz��i������������ڰ�����㣬���˰��������i������������ڰ���ψһ���װ���ף�����ڿ���!
����7. ��û��ǯ����������õ�壬������һ�����ģ�ϊ����������ƽ������ʹ���һľ�������ҳ�ữ��һ�����ǣ�ȥ�����������i��顣����ڿ���!ժ�������
����8. �������ֻ�����˵���ҳ����㣬�dz����ܵ�;�ҳ����㣬��û������;�ҳ����㣬�dz���ԩ��;�ҳ����㷢���ţ�������첻����'�����տ���!
����9. �༭�ҵ�ף������ǧ�ԣ������ҵ��ʺ�������ɾ�����ʹ�ൽ��ߣ������ҵļ��䱣�浽��զ�����㲻����������!����ڿ���!
����10. ��ףը����ã�����������ã�����ϲ��ĺ���ڣ����dz�ͬѱ���ĺ����ӣ������ǹ�ͬףը����
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ9
����just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !
����in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking. sincerely wish you a happy national day.
����national day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million: 10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to 10 million, 10 million mo forget me!
����guo guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead! you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow!
����bless you: national, jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate, reluctant, wish to cardiac wish.
����when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day!
����7�����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ��� throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.
����autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment. if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers.
����i wish fossett will be busy in the letter, the national day when you send and distant. i wish you a happy national day, wishing, and prosperity!
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ10
����1��the goleden autumn is the harvest season. together with my sincere smile�� i wish you a happy national day and a brilliant career�� ��������£����յļ��ڣ�ը������ϵ�ц�ݰ����㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�ի��ڴ
����2��no matter how far away�� no matter how many years�� let my blessing to the stars�� dodges in your life every day�� happy national day�� �������զ�����ܶ����꣬ը�ҵ�ף����ϊ���ǵ�㣬������������ÿһ�죡������֣�
����3��i wish i was blessed streams��flows quietly in the hearts of friends��must not continuous��i wish my concern is the maple leaf��gently spinning autumn of life��though friends greetings��happy national day�� ��ը�ҵ�ף����сϫ�����ĵ����������ѵ����ϣ����������ը�ҵĺػ��ƿ�ҷ�������ҡ�����յ���ϣ�����������ǵ��ʺ�����֣�
����4��the sky is blue�� the grass is green�� and the national day holiday inspires people. beautiful mountains�� clear water�� travel everywhere hand in hand. tie your belly and buy less clothes. this year's cost is yours�� �������������࣬���쳤�������ġ�ɽ���㣬ˮ���壬я�ֱ��ȥ���с�����ƥ�������£�������ù����룡
����5��in the whole country celebrate the day�� i wish you my family and the country's growing prosperity go hand in hand�� bless you my friend. ����ٹ���������ӣ�ը���ҵļ�ͥ����ҵ����深����飬ף�����ҵ����ѡ�
����6��love is the yearning of heart�� the resonance of feeling�� the collision of inspiration�� the sparkle of electric light�� the sweet nectar and the intoxicating pure wine. happy national day�� �������е��������ǹо��ĺ���������е���ײ���ǵ�����ҫ�������۵������������˵ĵ��ơ�ף����ڿ��֣�
����7��wish you good luck. happy national day�� ը�㼪�����⡣������֣�
����8��it's the national day again. in this day of national celebration�� i hope you will be happy and happy forever. happy national day�� �ֵ�������ˣ�����ٹ�����������ϣ���������ϧ����զ�ҹ�������ڿ��֣�
����9��majestic mountains and rivers��emerged years��bless our country strong and prosperous��blessed our lives into a well-off��happy national day�� ɽ��׳����������ɣ�ף�����ǵĺ��ҷ��ٸ�ǿ��ף�����ǵ������с��������ڿ��֡�
����10��the sound of firecrackers is far from enough for me to bless you. all the happiness my friends give you is just a sesame i give you. the happiness i want to give you is beyond the box of pandora. national day is a new look�� �쵱�ı�����զզ�����ҷ����ף�������ѹ�������п���ֻ�������������һ��֥�飬��ҫ������ҹ����˶����ĺ���װ���µġ�����ը�����գ�
����11��the air in this ribbon�� into concerns sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns�� is no longer a national day holiday period. �������ַ���ijʴ����������у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����12��there is a happy from the bottom of my heart overflow�� there is a kind of happiness�� my soul there is a kind of sweet as sugar like honey�� have a kind of love. there is a mother's birthday today�� happy birthday to our motherland�� ��һ�ֿ��ִ��ĵ��������һ���ҹ����էθ�����һ�ָ����������ۣ���һ���а������벻������һ��ĸ��������գ�ף���ǵ�������տ��֣�
����13��friends�� the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland�� where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it�� to see so many concubine jiangshan�� zheyaoshan countless heroes do�������ѣ���ȫ���������������֮�ʣ����뵽����ȥ�ȹ����ѵü�����?����һ���ȥ���߰ɣ�������ɽ��˶ཿ��������ӣ�۾���������
����14��autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! ! ��������£����յļ��ڣ�ը������ϵ�ц�ݰ����㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�ի��ڴ�!!!
����15��you raise your head and look at sms�� concerns in regards to this inter�� i give you a special blessing to have it every minute per second gives you health�� happiness and good luck and i hope that this is the best that you spend the national day�� �����˺��ҹ���ϣ��������ȹ��������õĺ���ڣ�ը��̶̵ļ�������������ŀ��֣�
����16��this year's national day�� you were elected as happy ambassador. during the holidays�� please pay attention to the public image: only smile�� no frown�� only happy�� no depression�� only relaxed�� no depression�� only invitation�� no debt�� ������죬�㱻ѡϊ���ĵ�ʹ���ż��ڼ���ע�������ֻ��ц��������ü��ֻ�����ģ��������ƣ�ֻ�����ɣ�����ѹ�֣�ֻ����ͣ��������ˣ�
����17��the national day is coming quietly. i wish you good luck and happiness. ʮһ���������������ĵ���ף���������ը��ϲ������
����18��the national day and the mid autumn festival meet�� and the family reunion spirit is strong. i wish you a happy holiday and everything you want. ���졢�������������ϼ���բ����㡣ף��������졢�����³ɡ�
����19��whereas the inspire you spicy warm sunshine�� filar silk cool breeze gives you zi zi�� streaming shower wash your abrasive dust�� i wish i just greeting to you frequently good luck�� ���ƶ����⼤�������������飻˿˿���縳�������̵���ˬ�����ܵ�ϸ���ˢ�������ij�������ը�ҷ̶̵�ף��������ƶƶ�ĺ��ˣ�
����20��family is a peaceful harbor�� with warm spring breeze and calm waves. may your new family be happy and happy�� and may you two always march together on the voyage of life�� eleven happy�� ��ͥ�������ĸ��壬������㣬����������ը���½��ļ�ͥ�ҹ�������ը�����������ĺ�������զ����ǰ����ʮһ���֣�
����21��in the coming days of national day�� send blessings in advance. happy national day�� ��ʮһ�����������������ǰ����ף����������֣�
����22��red flowers and autumn wind. the whole nation is happy and prosperous. ����ǧ��ӭ���죬ƭƭ��ҷ����硣�ٹ������뻶�����һ�ʢ�����ˡ�
����23��i will be full blessing huang letter�� on the occasion of national day�� send with the far-away place of you. i wish you a happy national day�� wishing�� business is booming�� �ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����զ����'�㡣ף�����ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ�������ϣ�
����24��sends out the deep thoughts�� no matter how big is the world�� keep the undying friendship�� no matter how long that don't have�� sincere blessings�� no matter how far apart. national day holiday is coming�� i wish all peace�� joy. �ͳ������˼����������ж����ס��������꣬��������ж�ã�������ֿ��ף������������ж�զ������ѽڼ������٣�ף�ؼ�ƽ�������֡�
����25��may your family be happy and everything go well. ը��ϼһ��֣��������⡣
����26��cow leather is used for blowing�� a bird's wings are used to fly�� national day long vacation is used for self release�� so a few days a year�� children�� and to cherish�� wish you have a happy national day�� ţ��ƥ���������ģ���ij���������ɵģ����쳤�����������ҷŷɵģ�һ�����ô���죬���ӣ��ú���ϧ�ɣ�ף�������ŀ��ģ�
����27��happy national day�� usher in luck�� always happy�� ���ֹ��죬ӭ�����ˣ���զ���ģ�
����28��there are many colorful mountains and beautiful rivers�� and thousands of households are full of splendor. the prosperous times and festivals bring peace and happiness to the people of cathay and thailand. suddenly�� as the spring breeze rises overnight�� new music is composed in the dream. when the national day is good�� remember that good luck never replaces good luck. ����ǧ��ɽ������ǧ������������ʢ��������ѽڣ���̩������ϲ������һҹ����������ǭ���������������ʱ���ҽǣ��������������档
����29��wish you a happy national day and a sweet smile�� ף�����ѽڣ�ц����
����30��i wish you a happy national day�� happiness and health�� ף����ڿ��֣��ҹ�������
����31��wish: everything goes well and everything comes true�� ף�����´������³ɣ�
����32��this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air�� into care�� hopefully we care among not only is the national day holiday period. ��������������ҷ�������ػ�����ը���ǽ�ĺػ��������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����33��holiday to make life wonderful�� let the mood wonderful life�� mood that make life so wonderful�� my best wishes to all my friends have a wonderful every day. ����������ʣ����������龫�ʣ��������������ʣ��ҵ�ף��ը���е��������춼���þ��ʡ�
����34��countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots�� how are you me you me you me. ���üһù��һüҽҷ��ù�բ��բ����բ���˽�բ������һ����һ����ҷ��á�
����35��national day golden week�� for you to ask hou. usually work more�� take the opportunity to relax yo�� be careful when going out. safety is very important. i'm finished talking nonsense�� pig. how are you. ����ƽ��ܣ����㷢�ʺƽʱ�����࣬�˻�����ӵ������ҫ���ģ���ȫ��ǧ�𡣷ϻ���˵�꣬����ú��档
����36��the sagittarius who advocates freedom must travel a lot. surfing�� mountaineering�� shooting�� horse racing�� let the whole body exercise�� go to hainan�� or go to huangshan�� you decide�� �������ɵ����֣�����һ�������١����ˣ���ɽ���������������ȫ�����˶�������ȥ���ϣ�����ȥ��ɽ�����լ������ɣ�
����37��national day vacation�� leisure�� every day in the face of the ceiling. wish your family well-being�� a happy holiday. ������ں����у���������컨�塣ףը��ȫ�ҷ��������������ĺ����ڡ�
����38��using your fingertips�� send best wishes�� light up your smile to make a best gift�� let your mood�� decorate the joy of the festival�� i wish you a whole country celebrating this day happy happiness. �趯��ָ�⣬�ͳ�������ף����������ц�ݣ�����һ����õ�����ŷ������飬װ�ν��յļ��֣�ը��ٹ���������ӿ����ҹ���
����39��every day celebrates the national day�� leisurely and comfortable for a long vacation�� work pressure is abandoned�� worries and distresses are thrown away�� put on a happy smile�� walk around the mountains and rivers to leave a beautiful shadow�� a blessing with the wind�� wish you happy national day. happy national day�� ����ͬ��ӭ���죬�����������٣�����ѹ��ȫ��������ն����������ͽ��ֵ�ц�գ�����ɽˮ��ٻӱ��һ��ף�������ը���������ң��������֣�
����40��the auspicious moment came again�� and the national day was happy. ������ʱ�ֵdz�������ѽ�ϲ����
����41��autumn is the season of harvest�� fall is tempting moment. harvest to you forever if autumn fruits�� laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. �������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�ը���ջ���զ������˶����ը�㻶ц��զ��ʢ�����ʻ���
����42��hongyan�� to the south�� line up�� river long�� autumn grass yellow�� moo baa baa see cattle and sheep. may the wild geese bring you joy and happiness. have a happy national day�� ���㣬���ϸ����ӷ��ų��у���ˮ������ݻƣ����������ţ��ը��������㻶��ϲ�أ�ף������죡
����43��national day is coming. i wish you happiness ahead of time. ����ѽھ�ҫ���ˣ���ǰ�����ҵ�ף����ը���ҹ����֡�
����44��it's national day again. i wish you a smooth career�� a smooth life�� good luck all the way and a happy and healthy life�� �ֵ����죬ը����ҵһ��ƽ��������һ����˳��һ·���ǹ��գ�һ���ҹ�������
����45��the rush of time�� time passes. color is never legs blessing�� change is never friendship. i deeply wish you a happy happy day. to this short speech to the national day brings you happiness�� ����ʱ��ҵң��������š�������ɫ����ף���������ı�������顣�������ף���㿪�ŀ���ÿһ�졣
����46��early years with the sea�� to make a 10000 block�� later me network�� the extent to more than 10 million�� this year's national gambling�� in a more than five million�� one��������������º�����������飻�����������磬ū��ʮ�������������ʣ��и���ٶ�������ͬ�죡
����47��i sincerely wish you a happy national day and a happy family�� ����ף��������֣��ϼ��ҹ���
����48��read and forward this information as soon as possible is likely to be a major award�� the prize is the world's most precious�� most hard to find�� the most unique sincere blessings�� happy. �����ķ���ת��������ϣ���п����ش���ʒ����������ϊ���ģ���ϊ��ѱ�ģ���ϊ��һ�������ף����ʮһ���֡�
����49������look behind you�� like mild-manner singer with. the side you�� like yu. look at you�� like the west door celebrate�� happy national day�� ���濴�㣬��̹��졣���濴�㣬���׳��졣���濴�㣬�������죬������֣�
����50��may your happiness index remain high�� happy national day�� ը���ҹ�ָ���ӹ߲��£�������֣�
����51��family affairs�� state affairs�� everything goes well�� you celebrate everyone's day�� celebrate all the world�� travel all over the country most want to mother�� travel all over the world most want to motherland. ���¹��������£�����˳�ģ������������죬����ͬ�죬�߱��������ĸ�ף��߱��������������
����52��throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day�� let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu: everything is�� come���������ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���ף�����´������³ɣ�
����53��national day�� you are happy and happy�� happy and beautiful�� ����ѽڣ����ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�
����54��stars happy little more like the very revel�� the truth here�� as the longer touch the very intoxicated�� cumulative little happiness�� and drops prestige truth�� the whole country celepating this day�� let us together memories�� �ҹ����㷱��խ��խ��������������������խ��խ���˳������ۻ�����ҹ�����صε����飬������ٹ�����������������һͬ������
����55��long time no see�� very missed. in this long national day holiday�� often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations�� bring blessings�� to a very experience�� �þò�����ʮ��������������ĺ��쳤����������������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz����飡
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ11
����1. ʮ�µ���գ�����;ʮ�µ����⣬��ů;ʮ�µĺͷ磬����;ʮ�µ�ϸ�꣬����;ʮ�µ��㣬������ʮ��ʮ�յ�ף������ʮȫʮ�����㣬ף����������!
����2. ʮ�µ�����������ϲ�죬ʮ�µ���緭�������飬ʮ�µ��̻������ź��ˣ�ʮ�µĵ�ص�������������խ��խ������æµ�ľų�ͣһͣ���ѿ��ֿ̽����顣
����3. ʮһ���������죬������������ѡ����ǰ���÷羰�㣬���ϳ����綩ʊ��ʡ�ý�ʱ�࣬������ʒҫ��ȫ��������ż��ҡ�����ҫ��죬ף��һ·��ƽ��!
����4. ʮ��ʮ�գ������յ����������ģ�����ˬ����������������������������죬ף��������ʮȫʮ���գ�ף��ҵ������ͥʮȫʮ�����ҹ�����!
����5. ʮһ����ʮ��һ���������ⰲȫ�ǵ�һ��������ʳ�����ǵ�һ����ɽ��ˮ�����ǵ�һ����ϣ�ڼ������ǵ�һ��������ǣ���ǵ�һ���������ʺ��ǵ�һ��̸����ɹ��ǵ�һ��ף��������!
����6. ʮһ������������ף������������;���ŀ��ֲ����٣���ܰ��������ҫ;���彡����ϣ�ƽ�������ǹ���;�ҹ���������ã��������ӳ����ߡ�
����7. ʮһ����ʮһ���ģ�˯�ð���;�ե�˳��;����с��;�������;��������;��������;����ϸ��;��������;���˳���;�լ��˹���;����ҫ�ǹ��쿪��!
����8. ʮ���ǽ�����յ�ϲ�ü��ڣ������ص����ǽ�ӳ��ջ�������ӭ�����л����������ա�ʮ��һ�ա��ٹ����£�����������ȸծ��������ݺ�����衣������������ʵƣ�����ʈ����������������������ףʮһ������������գ�ףը������ٸ�ǿ��ʢ��ǿʢ�у�ǧ���������ų��棬��ɽ���̡�
����9. ʮһ����ڵ��ˣ�������ȥ����!�����еķ��ǣ��ӵ���ù�����£���װ�ȷ������飬���ͽ��ĵ�ц��!��ɽɽˮˮ����������ֵ�.ٻӱ!ףը�������!
����10. ��������������������ף��!��������ϵĺ���������!����������ֵ�˼���ƕ���!��һ��сс����ϣ�����ѣ�����ڵ��ˣ�ը������������һ�����շ��ǣ�ը����ҹ���gdpһ�������¸�!�������!
����11. ����ʮ�£����õ����������ϲ���ζ�������յ���ұ�����ŷ��յ�ц�������ĵ��ӿ������ů�����֣����ŵ��̻�ɢ���ŷ����ĺ�х�����ǹ���ѽڵ�������ףը���ְ��㱧�����ǰ����գ��ҹ������ơ�
����12. �����������ǯԤ��:�����������,��������֧ʊ,�ֲ����н��,��ҹ��������ԪתŷԪ,���������øֿ�,�������,������!ף�������ǯ����!
����13. ���������Ԥ��:������絽���������,�ֲ��н���,���������ԪתŷԪ,��������֧ʊ��������������:����ͷ���ú����������!ʮһ��ǯ����!
����14. ������ҷdz����ҵ�������μӹ���,��ʒ����:��ǯ��һ��,�ƴ����֡��˱���һ��,����ʮ�㡣������һͱ,�������㡣���¿���һ��,�������!
����15. ʮһ����������ֵ���;��������ĵ���;����������զҫ������;���������������һֱ��������;������ƭ���ǹոշ������¡�
����16. �����֣����˸�����ǣ��;���ţ�����ϊ�������;ҡҡͷ���ɹ�����������;�ڰ�����ƽ��������ա�������ֱ����٣�ת�����ѹ��ҹ���
����17. ��һ���߸裬������ǻ������ʢ��;��һĩб������ų�����ӳ�����ȡ���һ�仨�㣬������ƣ�������ķ�;��һ��ף����������֣�ը���ղء�
����18. ժһǧ��������������ǰ��;��һǧ��õ��������������;��һǧֻֽ�ŷ����ļ���;��һǧ�����������ҹ�����;˵һǧ������ף��������բϲ��!
����19. ����쵽�ˣ��ҿ����������ҳէ���ȩ�����ظ���������ʵʩ��������ӧ���ҿ�������������������������������̵�ף�����������һֱ����ц��
����20. �������������࣬���쳤�������ģ�������죬��ף��ʤ��;ɽ���㣬ˮ���壬я�ֱ��ȥ���у������ϸ裬�質�����;ը�����������֮�������³�
����21. ���������ĵģ�ϫˮ���峺��;ţ������ģ����������;�������ҹ��ģ����������۵ġ����ҵ�ף������ϵģ�ϣ���������ǿ��ĵ�!
����22. ӭ���죬���������ַ磬ϲӯӯ�����շ꣬��ܰ�у������飬չ���飬ƣ��ͣ�������������������ҹ��棬ʮһ�죬ף��ӯ���뻶��!
����23. �ķ��ɣ��ζ���������ѽ���������ц�泩����������������ɺ���ң���ﻨ������紵�����j��������羰�������飬ʮһ����������!������֡�
����24. ���쵽��ף��ʈ�����պã������ף������գ������ģ�ʹ���֣��ҹ��ƣ���ܰ����ѹ������ƣ���ӣ�����������σ������ԣ�ʮһц�����ɽу�ϲ��ң��
����25. ʮ��һ������ڣ��ٹ���;�����գ���ҷ�죬�ջ���;�ͷ紵������ʈ�������;����������������ϲ���ף���㣬����ã�ϲ����
����26. ���쵽������ʈ�����ƶ�����ҫ�������ڣ���־�ߣ��˻�ц�������ԣ�ƽ���������ⱨ�������֣��ҹ��ơ�ף���������������!
����27. �ջ���������������齥�滳�����զ���¿��������������飬���ϸɣ������σ�������֦ͷ��ʮһ������������ף����������ը�㿪�ij��ڣ�������졣
����28. ���쵽���ĵ���;�;ջ����ź���;�۵��裬������;�ü��գ�˯�߳�;˼���ѣ�������;ף���㣬δ����;��ףը��нˮ�ǣ�������;�ȿ��֣��ּ��顣
����29. �����ţ������������츣�����������ֿ��������滳�������������ļ���ъһъ����һ�ߣ�������������σ��ػ��ڣ�����棬����ף�������٣��������!
����30. ̧��ͷ�������ţ�ǣ�ҿ������ʺ��!�������ر��ף����ը��ÿ��ÿ�붼�����㽡�����˺��ҹ���ϣ��������ȹ��������õĺ����
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ12
����1��went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day��i hope you happy as xi��always happy�� happy national day��
����2��you happy as evening, a lifetime of happiness. happy national day.
����4��girls like flowers��and more broad-minded inclusion��in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain��the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
����5��may national day bring you happiness and safety.
����6��you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!
����7��and hi. bless you in this era of peace and happiness�� happy holidays!
����8��love is the yearning of heart�� the resonance of feeling�� the collision of inspiration�� the sparkle of electric light�� the sweet nectar and the intoxicating pure wine. happy national day�� �������е��������ǹо��ĺ���������е�`��ײ���ǵ�����ҫ�������۵������������˵ĵ��ơ�ף����ڿ��֣�
����9��throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.�����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���
����10��about is, there is a miss is thinking. sincerely wish you a happy
����11��i wish you a happy national day and all the best�� ףը��������֣��������⣡
����12������ˮ�����������ʱ���ŷ���������ʵ����ҫ���ǣ���һщ�եķ�������һщ�ȵķ�������һ��������ˣ������ҵ�һщ�����ڹ���ѽڸ���ף��������!ok water to the poor, from sit-see, it found that the most important fact of life is: get some things to eat, or drink some things, you find a love of people, can still find some of the national day holidays to bless you friend!
����14��for; there is a silence is not forgotten; there is a concern to your friend
����16��million mo forget me!
����17��appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
����18��irreplaceable; there is a yearning for your presence; there is a lonely called
����19��like wine sincere friendship�� thick as alcohol�� aromatic might overflow��
����20��thisviolenttadatoshiakibaoftheair,intocare,hopefullywecareamong notonly the
����21��national day to send my sincere greetings to your happy day!
����22��early years with the sea, to make a 10000 block; later me network, the extent to more than 10 million; this year's national gambling, in a more than five million! one! ����������º������������;�����������磬ū��ʮ������;���������ʣ��и���ٶ���!����ͬ��!
����23��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����24��no country�� no home�� no home�� no you and me. with the advent of national day�� let's wish our country a full circle and a prosperous home. û�й������мң�û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףը��բ��բ���һ������ˣ�
����25��girls like flowers��and more broad��minded inclusion��in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain��the river changed its appearance�� this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth��
����26��just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !�ո��������������϶���ӭ��������ļ�������˻����ҳ��϶������ĵ�ף����ף��һ��˳�����������⣡
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ13
����1��young is happy��and he is sweet ���� is my sincere wish and hope that you are
����2��best wishes to our great country.
����4��autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you,
����5��autumn is the season of harvest��the fall is tempting moment�� if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers���������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�ը���ջ���զ������˶����ը�㻶ц��զ��ʢ�����ʻ���
����6��qi, and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you
����7��and hi. bless you in this era of peace and happiness��happy holidays!
����8��new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its
����10��you would like to have a good day national day holiday mood��have done every sweet dream��you always been concerned about all the people care��a dream come true and happiness��ը�����������춼�к����飬ҹҹ���������σ�����ʱʱ���˹��ġ��������˺ǻ������γ��棬�ҹ����֣�
����11��happy national day!
����13��happy national day��better and better��ף����ڿ��֣�խ��խ�ã�
����14��countries good home countries: everybody good circle everyone circle circle person circle compatriots��how are you me you me you me.���üһù��һüҽҷ��ù�բ��բ����բ���˽�բ������һ����һ����ҷ��á�
����15��in the whole country celebrate the day��i wish you my family and the country's growing prosperity go hand in hand��bless you my friend.����ٹ���������ӣ�ը���ҵļ�ͥ����ҵ����深����飬ף�����ҵ����ѡ�
����16��li-yan wang jiangshan��huan chung-chun motherland years�� bless you��happy national day��������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ��֣�
����17��water in a stream��fish in travel��love you no reason��blowing in the wind��rain the next��you want to have some affinity��days affection��and love��the national romantic will it work?ˮ�����������σ����㲻��ҫ���ɣ����ڴ��������£����뱧����һ�£������飬�����飬��������һ���в���?
����18��national day��national day��national celebration. the birthday of the motherland wishes you good mood��happy every day��eternal happiness�����죬���죬�ٹ����졣�������ף���������飬���쿪�ģ��������㣡
����19��gone is the familiar��the national day��i wish the minute��my concern always on your side��i would like to with the blessings of light crosses sent��along yew water rafting��direct your hearts��our warm friendshipת�����������ϥ�ĺ���ڣ��ҵ�ף���ַ����룬�ҵĺ���ʱʱ�̣̿�����������ߣ�ը�ҵ�ף�������ʈ�ͣ�˳����ˮư����ֱ��������飬��ܰ���ǵ����ꡣ
����20��i will fill the letter with full blessing��and send you with you far away on the national day. i wish you a happy national day.�ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����զ��������ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ�������ϣ�
����21��early years with the sea��to make a 10000 block��later me network��the extent to more than 10 million��this year's national gambling��in a more than five million��one����������º�����������飻�����������磬ū��ʮ�������������ʣ��и���ٶ�������ͬ�죡
����22��hope you happy as xi, always happy��happy national day!
����23��i wish you a happy national day and happiness for a long time��ף�������죬�ҹ����ã�
����24��states have a home��you can have a home��you have me��i wish my dear parents happy national day��health���й����мң��мҳ����㣬��������ң�ף���װ��i��������֣����彡����
����25��when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard
����26��celebrate national day and celebrate the whole nation��this beautiful day��let me use the most sincere blessing to accompany you��happy national day�����ȹ��죬�ٹ�ͬ�죡�����õ����ӣ�����������ֿ��ף������ȹ���������֣�
����27��full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind
����28��the rush of time��time passes. color is never legs blessing��change is never friendship. i deeply wish you a happy happy day. to this short speech to the national day brings you happiness����ʱ��ҵң��������š�������ɫ����ף���������ı�������顣�������ף���㿪�ŀ���ÿһ�졣
����29��may your family be happy and everything go well.ը��ϼһ��֣��������⡣
����30��national day is a good holiday��family reunions��may your national day��all can be in the national day to harvest happiness to your family.������һ���ܺõľ��գ��ϼ��žۣ�ը��ĺ�����⾫�ʣ�ף��ȫ�ҷ����ڹ����ջ��ҹ���
����31��look at the beautiful rivers and mountains��and celebrate the eternal spring of the motherland. wish you a happy national day������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ��֣�
����32��national day��i wish you a beautiful mood��enjoy lazy time. ������ڣ�ף��������������飬�����������.ʱ�⡣
����33��friends��in this time of happiness��joy and good will to accompany you! happy
����34��happy national day.
����35������happy you hot day��a special day��attention body��gently breeze pure you��don't let the sun with you��happy national day�����ȵ��쿪�ĵ��㣬�ر������ע�����壬����ķ紿�����㣬��ҫ��̫��ɹ���㣡������֣�
����36��when the moon is full��people get together��and the lamp beauty is more beautiful����բ����բ�������˸�����
����37��you happy as evening, a lifetime of happiness. happy national day.
����38��time goes by��friends live together��and life goes hand in hand with you. happy birthday to you on national day��������飬�������أ������ļ�����я�֡�����ڣ�ף����ֵ����ã�
����39��i wish you a happy national day��ף�����ڿ��֣�
����40��may you grow up happily and have a happy national day��ը�㣬�ҹ��ɳ���������֣�
����41��no country��no home��no home��no you and me. with the advent of national day��let's wish our country a full circle and a prosperous home.û�й������мң�û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףը��բ��բ���һ������ˣ�
����42��health beautiful wife.
����43������no country��which has a home��no home��which have you me. national day approaching��let us wish of the family round the round��under one roof��û�й������мң�û�мң��������ҡ��������٣������ǹ�ףը��բ��բ���һ������ˣ�
����44��there is a concern the uninvited; there is a tacit understanding
����45��because of the national day��our life has become more colorful��life is with so many colors��to build today's prosperity.��ϊ���˹���ڣ����ǵ�����ű�ø��ӷ��˶�ʣ���������������ô��ij�ɫ���ź������ķ�����
����46��autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment. if you would
����47��advent of the national day holiday period.
����48������joyfully celebrate prosperous country��crossing the festival let home beauty��wish you happy every day happy��everything is all the happiness��������ף������ǿ���ɼѽ�ը�������֣�ףը�����쿪�ŀ��֣������ҹ����⣡
����49��i wish you a lot of happiness. i wish you a lot of money in the golden week.ը��ϲ�²��ϣ���ƽ���ҫһщ������ը��ƹ�����������ڿ��֣�
����50��i wish you a happy national day and all the best��ףը��������֣��������⣡
����51��and to the national day, on the whole country celebrating this day, i hope
����53��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.
����54��kept mefairly well-off to tomorrow!
����55��national day��i wish you happiness and happiness��happiness and beauty������ѽڣ�ף���ҹ��ֿ��ģ����������ã�
����56��friends need to bear in mind��busy��a short text messages on the convenience of a telephone contact. at every turn on the phone for a more trend��but a friend��it is a lifetime thing��i wish a happy national day��������ҫ�������ϣ�æ�ˣ�һ�����ţ�һ���绰�ͷ��������硣�ֻ����զ������ͻ�һ��������ģ������ѣ�����һ���ӵ����飬ף������֣�
����57��every qingfengdian drizzle for a while��i will let you gently reminds me;
����58��love my country deeply.
����59��strong and beautiful country like flowers
����60��deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down!
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ14
������states have a home��you can have a home��you have me��i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!�й����мң��мҳ����㣬��������ң�ף���װ��i���������!���彡��!
������national day��the national day��celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy��eternal happiness! national day when you do not want to give too much��just to give you 50 million��10 million to be happy��healthy 10 million��10 million should be safe��happy to 10 million��10 million mo forget me!�����֮�ʣ��������̫�ֻ࣬������ǧ��ǧ��ҫ���֣�ǧ��ҫ������ǧ��ҫƽ����ǧ��ҫ֪�㣬ǧ��ī������!
������autumn years��the harvest season��i wish the most sincere smile with you��deeply wishes you happy national day��cause brilliant touch down!! !��������£����յļ��ڣ�ը������ϵ�ц�������㣬�����ף���㣬����ڿ�����֣���ҵ�ի��ڴ�!!!
������full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!����ǧ��ӭ���죬ƭƭ��ҷ����硣�ٹ������뻶�����һ�ʢ�����ˡ�ը��ʢ��ľ��մ�������զ������!
������lost��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years. time to find some locations��bring blessings to a very experience!�þò�����ʮ��������������ĺ��쳤����������������¡��ҵ�ʱ�䣬լ���ص㣬����ף���������dz�����!
������friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it, "to see so many concubine jiangshan, zheyaoshan countless heroes do." �����ѣ���ȫ���������������֮�ʣ����뵽����ȥ�ȹ����ѵü�����?����һ���ȥ���߰ɣ�������ɽ��˶ཿ��������ӣ�۾���������
������li-yan wang jiangshan, huan chung-chun motherland years. bless you, happy national day! ��������ɽǧ���㣬����������괺��ף���㣬����ڿ���!
������national day, we qi joy, a total of 56 national jubilation, i wish our motherland is thriving! �������,����뻶��,��ʮ�������干����,ף���ǵ������������!
������autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment. if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers. ��������ջ�ļ��ڣ����������˵�ʱ�̡�ը���ջ���զ������˶����ը�㻶ц��զ��ʢ�����ʻ���
������water in a stream, fish in travel, love you no reason; blowing in the wind, rain the next, you want to have some affinity; days affection, and love, the national romantic will it work? ��ˮ�����������σ����㲻��ҫ����;���ڴ��������£����뱧����һ��;�����飬�����飬��������һ���в���?
������i wish fossett will be busy in the letter, the national day when you send and distant. i wish you a happy national day, wishing, and prosperity! ���ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����զ��������ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ��������!
������throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.�����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���
������when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day! ���㿴���ҹ�������ף�����뽫ͷ����ײǽ������û�у�����ǰ������������������ף�����������!
������great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland, the people of the motherland blessings every day upward. bless you, i become more expansive pocket, bless our health beautiful wife.��ף��ΰ����������ǿʢ��ף������������������ϡ�ף�����ҿڴ��ռ����ͣ�ף�����ǵi��˽���ư����
������early years with the sea, to make a 10000 block; later me network, the extent to more than 10 million; this year's national gambling, in a more than five million! one! ����������º������������;�����������磬ū��ʮ������;���������ʣ��и���ٶ���!����ͬ��!
������filled the air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming national day holiday period. ��������ַ���ijʴ����������у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
������this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air, into care, hopefully we care among not only the advent of the national day holiday period. ���������������ҷ�������ػ�����ը���ǽ�ĺػ��������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡� ��guo guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead! you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow! ���������������������ڷ�����ܽ�!�㱼с�������ľ���ϊ����������ǰ��!
������throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu: everything is, come! �����ݴ�ط����ƽ���������������糱�������������������������ֿ��ף�������ɹ���ף�����´������³�!
������you is my chocolate, i am your chocolate, ah you see more beautiful, you would think her inability. china's national day, and i look forward to meet you! �������ҵ��ɿ������������������������㰡�������������뵽��������������ѽڣ������������!
����autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !
����national day, the national day, celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy, eternal happiness!
����national day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you 50 million: 10 million to be happy, healthy 10 million, 10 million should be safe, happy to 10 million, 10 million mo forget me!
����states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health!
����went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i hope you happy as xi, always happy. happy national day!
����just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !
����girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
����lost, very missed. in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years.
����time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience!
����full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi, and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.
����when you see i will give you the blessing of this��you should first hard wall��see not��you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day!
����great blessing more powerful and prosperous motherland��the people of the motherland blessings every day upward. bless you��i become more expansive pocket��bless our health beautiful wife.
����early years with the sea��to make a 10000 block; later me network��the extent to more than 10 million; this year��s national gambling��in a more than five million! one!
����filled the air in this ribbon��into concerns sent to your remote. hopefully we intergovernmental concerns��is no longer coming national day holiday period.�������ַ���ijʴ����������у�ң�ĸ��㡣��ը���ǽ�ĺ��у������ǹ���ѽ����ٵ�ʱ�̡�
����guo guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead! you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow!
����this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air��into care��hopefully we care among not only the advent of the national day holiday period.
����throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through. chu��everything is��come!
����you is my chocolate��i am your chocolate��ah you see more beautiful��you would think her inability. china��s national day��and i look forward to meet you!
����meet with you in the fall��the national day��in early winter long you think christmas��kiss you have green grass in the spring��the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date��okay
����full ying guo��woods hongye dance autumn wind. the entire country is behind qi��and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!
����autumn years��the harvest season��i wish the most sincere smile with you��deeply wishes you happy national day��cause brilliant touch down!!
����national day��the national day��celebrating the country. the birthday wish you good mood every day happy��eternal happiness!���죬���죬�ٹ����졣�������ף���������飬���쿪�ģ���������!
����lost��very missed. in this long national day holiday��often recalled coexistence years.time to find some locations��bring blessings to a very experience!
����girls like flowers��and more broad-minded inclusion��in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain��the river changed its appearance. this is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
����national day when you do not want to give too much��just to give you 50 million��10 million to be happy��healthy 10 million��10 million should be safe��happy to 10 million��10 million mo forget me!
��������ӣ��ף���� ƪ15
����1��friends��in this time of happiness��joy and good will to accompany you! happy
����2��hope you happy as xi, always happy��happy national day!
����3��different nationalities��with a motherland. mother's birthday��with happiness
����4��as national day celebrated throughout the nation, may youspend the
����5��will fill the letter with full blessing��and send you with you far away on the national day. i wish you a happy national day.�ҽ�������ף����������ڹ����֮�ʣ�����զ��������ף������ڿ��֣������³ɣ���ҵ�������ϣ�
����6��take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the
����7��irreplaceable; there is a yearning for your presence; there is a lonely called
����8��the beauty of autumn brought to the united states��the united states engaging.
����9��let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.
����10��is a feeling worried about is��there is a miss is thinking. sincerely wish you a
����11��qi, and the home-sheng everything. this grand festival will bring you
����12��new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its
����13��autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment. if you would
����14��there is a concern the uninvited; there is a tacit understanding
����15��strong and beautiful country like flowers.���ʻ�һ��������.�����
����16��went to the national day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, i
����17��coexistence years. time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very
����18��the most mothers would like to go around the world to the motherland.
����19��deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down!
����20��on this special occasion, may our great motherland be prosperousforever;