�������ճ�ѧϰ�������ֻ��������у���ҷ�д��ף����϶��ը���ף���ﶼ����ϥ�ɣ�ף�����������������������ӧ�䡣��ô����ôȥдף�����أ�������с��ϊ��������ĵ��ڸ��ͻ�ӣ��ף���� ��ϣ���դ������������
����1.thank you for your concern�� thank you for your help�� please accept my new year's greetings�� wishing you peace and happiness. ��л��ĺػ�����л��i�����������������ףը��ף��ƽ���ҹ���
����2.spring has returned�� let's open the hive�� there a store for the winter sweet. ���ѹ����������ǵ���ɣ������д�����һ�������ۡ�
����3.always come first in examinations.����ǰé��
����4.wishing you and your family a very happy new year.ף������ȫ��������֡�
����5.seasons greetings and best wishes for the new year.ף������������֡�
����6.best wishes for you and your family.ף���������ļ��ˡ�
����7.the elder brothers�� had made a fortune in this year�� please don't forget to treat�� happy new year. ���ǣ����귢���˰ɱ�������ͣ��´����֡�
����8.wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year season.ը��ӵ�������������õ�ף����
����9.in the season of joy i present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.may the kind of new year outshine all the rest. ����ֵ�ʱ�ڸ����������ף�������е�˼�ը������������������.
����10.happy new year�� everything is all right�� family happiness�� source of money widely enter�� congratulation�������� �´����֣����´��ϼһ��֣���դ�������ϲ���ƣ�
����11.greeting transformed into a poem�� a melody�� open a garden of spring�� ף������һ��ʫ��һ�����ɣ�����һƭ��ܰ�ĵ����أ�
����12.uch joy to you in the up coming year. may the warmest wishes�� happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at new year and stay with you all the year through.����ܰ��ףը���ҹ���˼����ѻõ�ף�������������������ߣ��������ҡ�
����13."own" believe "own" forever�� will be more successful�� ���լ�����զ���š��լ�����һ����ȡ�ø���ijɹ���
����14.may the coming new year bring you joy�� love and peace.��������ƕ��㼰��ȫ�ҵ�����ף����ף����������֡�
����15.flick the years of dust�� to laughter and tears�� love and cemented in the minds of a thick crystal amber. i wish happy new year�� i wish you the new year: don't gain weight�� before the person you most qiao�� money in hand�� laughing in the dream.��ȥ����֮�����û�ц����ˮ�����밧������������һ�ź��صľ�ө���ꡣף������֣�ף�����꣺���ϲ����죬��ǰ�����σ���ͷ�г�ʊ�����ﶼ��ц��
����16.may the salary shine�� the house price recede�� the mood be wonderful�� the days be sweet and the happiness be satisfactory in the new year. ը�µ�һ���������ҫҫ�����۹����ˣ�������������������ۣ��ҹ������⣡
����17.thank you for your care and help. please accept my wishes for the new year and wish you peace and happiness. ��л��ĺػ�����л��i�����������������ףը��ף��ƽ���ҹ���
����18.season's greetings and best wishes�� wish you have a bright and happy new year. ���ͻ��յ��ʺ���ף����ը��ӵ��һ�����������ͻ��ֵ����ꡣ
����19.so far away�� no gifts�� no big meals�� only i care about your heart and the most sincere wishes: happy new year�� ��ôզ�ľ��룬û�����û�д�ͣ�ֻ����ǣ������ĺ�������ϵ�һ��ף����������֣�
����20.i give you endless brand-new good wishes. please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.�����������µ�ף���������dz�ϊ��������������µļ��
����21.the moon is round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round�� round and round�� i wish my whole family happiness and harmony. ��բ��բ��բ��բբբ���ţ����ͼһ��˺��ºͺͺ�������ףȫ���ҹ��������úϼһ��֣�
����22.ishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season.ը��ӵ���������������е�ף����
����23.congratulation red envelopes�� don't take a red envelope into the panda. ��ϲ���ƺ�����������ú�������è��
����24.good health�� good luck and much happiness throughout the year ��ף�������ˣ�������֡�
����25.new year comes but once a year. but when it comes it brings good cheer.����һ��ֻ��һ�σ���ÿ�����ٶ�����ϲ�á�
����27.the ancients sweep away the dust for the new year�� may you sweep away the dust of the year in your heart�� and wish you a happy year in the spring festival. ���˶�ɨ�����꣬ը��ҳɨȥ����һ��ķ糾�����´��ѽڵ�ʱ��ף��һ�궼���ģ�
����28.a new year wish from your nephew.����ֶ��ף��������֡�
����29.a good start in the new year.�´���
����30.new year's festival blessings�� family reunion�� happiness�� health and happiness�� happy mood�� many friends. �´��ѽ�ף���࣬�ϼ���բ�ҹ��ࣻ���彡�����ֶ࣬����������ѷࡣ
����31.have a caring heart�� to distant with you�� may happiness always be with you always. ������һ��ǣ�ң�����ӹ�զ�����㣬ը������������顣
����32.wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the new year.ը����ϊ��������֣��ѱ���������
����33.lucky money for you.���ǹ����ѹ��ǯ��
����34.best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the new year �����������������⡣
����35.season's greetings and best wishes for the new year.ը���յ�������һ����
����36.best wishes for the year to come������������
����37.ancient people sweep away the dust for the new year. wish you also sweep away the dust of the year in your heart. in the new year�� wish you a happy year�� ���˶�ɨ�����꣬ը��ҳɨȥ����һ��ķ糾�����´��ѽڵ�ʱ��ף��һ�궼���ģ�
����38.i am here to say happy new year to everyone���ҹ���ұ����ˣ�
����39.wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. �µ�һ�꣬�����������ֿ��ף����
����40.may the joy of new year be with you throughout the year.ըʥ���ѽڵ�ϲ�ã��������ڶȹ��µ�һ�ꡣ
����41.congratulations on the spring festival��happy new year��everything goes smoothly��everything goes well�����´�����ѽڣ���ϲ���ƣ�����ã�����˳���������⣡
����42.hope you will join with me in bringing in the new spring.ը����һ��ӭ���ӹ���
����43.the spring festival arrives�� the god of wealth arrives�� the god of fortune accompanies my short message arrival�� the new year is more precious�� and next year life will be more beautiful. �´�������������֮������ҵķ���ϣ�����µ�һ��������أ������������������
����44.wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.�������⣬�ϼ�ƽ����
����45.are those memorable days�� i always sing the melody. you are now ok? ��щ���������ӣ�������զ���������ɡ��������
����46.two sea sun dress bag�� homemade kilograms blessing�� the united states trustee to buy some happiness�� bought two bottles of french romance�� cut a dash of care from the depths of the heart�� as a gift for you. happy new year and good luck��װһ���������ѻ��磬���ƽ���ף�������˵���������щ���֣�����������ƿ���������ĵ�����¼����ػ�����ϊ�������㡣ף������֣��������⣡
����47.wishing you many future successes.��ౣ�أ�
����48.celebrate the spring festival�� celebrate the festival�� congratulations on making a fortune�� happy new year�� everything goes well. ���´�����ѽڣ���ϲ���ƣ�����ã�����˳���������⣡
����49.may you have the best new year ever.ը��ȹ������õ����꣡
����50.may you have two bodyguards escorting you all the time during the happy time of the spring festival�� always happy and healthy�� ףը���´�����ʱ����һֱ����λ���ڵļ�����ʱ�̿��ְ�����
����51.i would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.ף������֣���ը���ҹ����飬ǰ���ƽ���
����52.take good care of yourself in the year ahead.ը�㽡�����٣�
����53.please accept my sincere wishes for the new year i hope you will continue to enjoy good health.������ҳ�ֿ������ף����˳ף���彡����
����54.preparing for 20xx�� believe that 20xx is not the same as a year�� ��ӭ��20xx������20xx����ǹ���һ����һ�꣡
����55.all memories such as the dust settled�� inadvertently awakened�� at the end of the new year�� silently persistent love. ���еļ������䶨�ij�����������侪�ѣ�����ĩ�´�֮�ʣ�ĭĭִ�ŵ�˼����
����56.with best wishes for a happy new year��ף������֣����������õ�ף����