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����i: i know in your resume that you have worked in your present company for 3 years, can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?
����i: ����ļ����у���֪�����ѿ������������˾����3���ˣ��ܸ�����ϊʲô�����ȥ����������������ǹ�˾��?
����a: because the job i am doing in my present company is of no challenge, but i like challenge.your firm is a young organisation with many innovative ideas. it has been very successful in an expanding market since its establishment 10 years ago. working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge i am looking for.
����a: ���뿪�����˾����ϊ�����������û����ս�ԣ�����ϲ����ս����˾��һ�ҿ��д��¾�������ṫ˾���դ���10�����������г���չ����ȡ���˾�ijɹ�����ϊ���ǹ����������������������ս��
����i: why do you think you are qualified for this position?
����i: ϊʲô����ϊ����ʤ�����ǹ�˾���ְλ��?
����a: i have excellent communication skills and i am familiar with the procedures for the last company i worked for. besides, i am a team player and have great interpersonal skills.
����a: �ҵ��˼ʽ���������ǿ�����ҹ������ϸ���˾�������������˹������̣������ҿ����ŷӿ���ͳ�ɫ���˼ʹ�ϵ���ܡ�
����i: why do you want to apply for a position in our company? don you like the present job?
����i: ϊʲô��ҫӧƹ���ǹ�˾���ְλ���㲻ϲ����ŀǰ���������?
����a: i like the job and it is similar to the position i am applying for in your company, but the salary of my present job is too low, so i decided to leave.
����a: ��ϲ��ŀǰ��������������������ڹ�˾ӧƹ�����ְλ�����ƣ�������ŀǰ��ݹ�����нˮ̫�ͣ����������뿪��
����i: is that the only reason why you are leaving?
����i: ����������ְ��ψһԭ����?
����a: no, another reason is that your operations are global, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of environment.
����i: if you are hired, when will it be convenient for you to begin to work?
����i: ����㱻¼�ã�ʲôʱ��������˾�ϰ���?
����a: if you like, tomorrow is ok.