- ����ƽ�
����1��we are never ever getting back together.������ҳ���ص�������
����2��wish my smile clear off the sky��of all days.ϣ���ҵ�ц�����������е��졣
����3��easy to communicate with you.��ͨ���ң�û�о���
����4��dread is produced by a powerlessness.η���������ı��֡�
����5��i have been, never left.��һֱ�ڣ���û�뿪��
����6��i want to make you happy !���������ҹ�����!
����7��he that respects not is not respected.�����˾���ҫ�ⱦ��ˡ�
����8��a girl does not need a guy to be happy.ů���ǣ���ʹû�������ѣ�һ�����ժܿ��֣�
����9��i will always love to be the one you love.������������������
����10��do not allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not.��������˰���������һ���ˡ�
����11��hello, september ! please be good to me.��ã����£�����һ�һ�㡣
����12��a day without laughter is a day wasted.û�л�ц��һ���ǰѵ�һ�졣цһ����~
����13��it would be a fine day to me if you were well.���������������
����14��happiness is from courage.�ҹ�������������
����15��i love you, not just words�ұ��㣬����˵˵����
����16��accompany me to stray����ȥ����.
����17��no one can stop my feet!û�˿����赲��ǰ����·
����18��there is a pain, called the understand.����ʹ����������
����19��smile like you have never been hurt.ц�ɣ����û�ܹ���һ����
����20��you are i can not lose the future.�����ҳ���ʧȥ��δ��~