
ʱ�䣺2022-12-09 14:18:07 ��־���� ��ҫͷ��





����1. ӯ���լ����ܳɹ���win yourself to succeed.

����2. �ҳɹ���ϊ��־�ڳɹ�!i succeeded because i aim at success!

����3. ʧ���ǽ��͵�����顣strength of the failure is the final test.

����4. �������у���ͻ������believe that you do, you have infinite vitality.

����5. ��ǿ���������������ҹ���tenacious can lead people to happiness.

����6. ������������ʵŀ��ļ�ʯ��a healthy body is the foundation of real target.

����7. ˭���ջ�����˭�������³ɡ�who seize the opportunities, who will come true.

����8. �����¸ҿ����լ���õ����ѡ�if a man be brave is her best friend.

����9. ΰ����������������ǵ�'���ġ�great power exists in our hearts.

����10. û����ŀ�ģ�����������޹⡣without a purpose, life is depressed.

����11. սʤ���ҳ����䣬�߿����������֡�overcome self relentlessness, college entrance examination on the field.

����12. �ڷ���ʱʱ��û��ᣬ�����ߴ���ʧȥ������he who labors diligently always get the opportunity, lazy person lose opportunities everywhere.

����13. �������ˣ�ֻ�����������ѣ�����֪����ʡ���ѡ�vulnerable people, understand only have mercy on yourself, and reflect on yourself.

����14. ���۽��췢����ʲô���ƕ��ѳ�ϊ��ȥ��ֻϣ�������ܹ������á�no matter what happened today, it has become the past, only hope can better tomorrow.

����15. ��ȼ��ʱ�����σ�ϊ��ûʱ��׷�ρ�you have time to dream, why don't have time to pursue.

����16. �����������ߣ��������ĸ��ߣ������������ߣ��������޻ڣ��޺�!do a traveler in life, the life of a singer, do the dancer of life, guilt, regret, regret!

����17. ��ҫ���κ��˽������լ���������˲����⣬������˲����š�don't explain yourself to anyone, who love you don't mind, i hate the one who is, won't you believe.���飬���ǹ��������ķ硣����ʱ��ѵ�������;��û�з磬�����ͳ��ܺ��с�passion, this is the drum with the wind sail. sometimes the wind blow the sail off; but there is no wind, sailing boat can't sail.�����dzɹ�֮ĸ���ա���ʧ��֮����

����18. self-confidence is the mother of success, the inferiority is the father of failure.

����19. ����־�ߣ�ϊѧ֮��ҳ;ϊѧ�ߣ���־֮��ҳ��so determined to, to the heart of learning also; for scholars, determined also.

����20. ��������ʧ�ܣ����ƿ�����the biggest failure of life, is to give up.


����1. �����dzɹ��ŀ�ʼ�������dzɹ��ķ�����confidence is the start of success, perseverance is a successful method.

����2. ����ǿ����˶���ŭ���һ���ʲô���ɲ�ƴ����stronger than my people are trying to i still have what reason not desperately.

����3. �տ���ҳ�������զ�����լ���������empty sacks will never stand up.

����4. �˵����ֻ�ǻ𻨣�ҫ��ʹ�������ܻ��棬�ľ�ֻ��ѧϰ��man's genius is only a spark, if you want to make it into the flames, which is only learning.

����5. ������ʲô���ǵ���ϊ�լ��������ǿͺ���թ�ԡ�whatever you do, remember is for yourself to do it, without complaint.

����6. ��ȱ���ϊ�ŵ��ǰ������ҫ���ŵ��ϊȱ���.դȫ��let disadvantages become the advantages of the predecessor, don't let the benefits become a source of weakness.

����7. ÿ���˶��᷸�������ǣ�ֻ�����˲ż�ִ�����ġ�everybody makes mistakes, but, only fools would have not changed.

����8. �ҵ�������һֻ���㣬�������������զ����my heart there is a big fish, it is called the dream and the distance.

����9. ϣ����ֻ�к��ڷ����飬�����绢������hope, only diligence and company, to britain.

����10. asking costs nothing.���˲��ѷ��ġ�

����11. better an empty purse than an empty head.����ǯ���񣬲�ҫ�դ��ա�

����12. big mouthfuls ofter choke.̰������á�

����13. bind the sack before it be full.����ӧ�ʿɶ�ֹ��

����14. constant dropping wears the stone.��ˮ��ʯ��

����15. experience is the mother of wisdom.�������ǻ�֮ĸ��

����16. all things are difficult before they are easy.���±����ѻ��ס�

����17. learn and live.���ţ�ϊ��ѧϰ��

����18. let bygones be bygones.��ȥ�ľ�������ȥ�ɡ�

����19. life is not all roses.���������ǿ�ׯ�����

����20. knowledge is power.֪ʶ����������


����1. jack of all trades and master of none.���ž�ͨ������ϡ�ɡ�

����2. wasting time is robbing oneself.�˷�ʱ������ӷ��լ���

����3. judge not from appearances.�˲���ò�࣬�����ɶ�����

����4. whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.�κ�ֵ�������¾�ֵ�ð�������!

����5. don't give up and don't give in.��ҫ��������ҫ�԰�!

����6. do one thing at a time, and do well.һ��ֻ��һ���£��������!

����7. zero in your target,and go for it.���㿪ʼ������ֱǰ!

����8. give more than you planned to.�����裬���ؼƽϡ�

����9. take control of your own desting.�����������լ����ϡ�

����10. live well, love lots, and laugh often.�ƴ�����ȱ�һ�у�����������ц��

����11. quitters never win and winners never quit.����������ʤ����ʤ��������������

����12. you're uinique, nothing can replace you.�������˫�����˿��������

����13. understand yourself in order to better understanding others.֪�����ܽ��ˡ�

����14. the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.���������õ�.׼�����ǽ����������!

����15. knowlegde can change your fate and english can accomplish your future.֪ʶ�ı����ˣ�ӣ��ɾ�δ����

����16. knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.��ѧʹ��ǫѷ����֪ʹ�˽�����

����17. read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.���εν���ҫ������ѧϰ�ǿ��ϡ�

����18. enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.��ʵ�񳯣������ѳɹ�ȥ������������档

����19. learn to walk before you run.��ѧ�ߣ���ѧ�ܡ�

����20. great minds have purpose, others have wishes.�ܳ���������ŀ�꣬������ֻ��ը����










