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����innovation and leadership
����good morning, ladies and gentlemen. thank you all. it is truly a great honor to stand before you here today as a speaker for the 20th anniversary of vipp; and i’m delighted by the opportunity to share my experience with you.
����to produce value for society, to provide the highest quality education and our students, and to help them fulfill their dreams and goals.
����technology, among others. the second is globalization.
����y. however, we also need to make a concerted effort to treat escape from the to pause and think.
����it’s not easy to do that. ysignificant impact on your future.
����– constantly to change and innovate. i am no exception. i was born in hubei at the conclusion of the study, i returned to beijing in the continuing in china and other countries. with constant travel and learning, i have gained an it can be said that an open mind makes dreams come true. now, it is possible for more opportunities for the fulfillment of their dreams.
����one day five years ago, my daughter was playing in my office, and asked me, “why are people working for you?” i did not say, “to make money,” like many businessmen may have. i paused for a few seconds, and then answered, “they do it because i care for them, trust them, and respect them.” in fact, these are essential in the definition of true leadership: care, trust, and respect.
����cohesion is critical. to lack any one of the three – care, trust or respect – negates the entire balance. leadership is neither a science nor an art: it falls somewhere between the two. you can indicate leadership with some facts, numbers and data. however, this does not indicate the leadership skills essential to gain those results; just as a great artist can teach you the mechanics of painting, but the uniqueness of his work is from his soul, heart, and humanity.
����the success of leadership may be measured by one’s ability to accept the hard work and responsibility associated with effective leadership, and the willingness of people to come together with that leader to work hard for, and achieve their common goal.
����the leader’s innovation is the foundation i want to share a short story here. studying in the us in 2002, china encountered an unprecedented disaster, new power school was in the critical stage of becoming established. down. it was a near fatal blow for us, but i had a strong leadership to in the pursue those dreams. let us learn from improve and participate in theas a vanguard of multilingual training center in china, new power school commits itself to english training, japanese training, korean training, german training, examination tutorship and overseas education. as always, new power school provides students with high quality teaching and service, and helps them fulfill their dreams of success.
����the philosophy of new power school is to turn out exceptional students with its prominent teaching quality, and to benefit every student. what new power school advocates is that students can enhance their foreign languages proficiency effectively through interactive communications between instructors and students in a relaxed class ambience. as a result, students are able to use foreign languages fluently and accurately in various social and business activities. relying upon its unique teaching charm and professional teaching staff, new power school has been honored by our government and media as "outstanding organization in credit construction", "excellent minority languages training organization in languages training organization in china".