
ʱ�䣺2022-11-25 08:26:29 ��־�̾� ��ҫͷ��




����1. easy to hurt others and self, always to the edge of the distance unclear person.

����2. �����˺����˺��լ��ģ����ƕծ���ı�եģ��������ˡ�

����3. no matter you have that pocket or not , i'll be with you forever.

����4. ��������û�пڴ����ҵi�����զ���ڡ�

����5. retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.

����6. ͯ��δ������һ��ֵ�ý��������顣

����7. i've finally found that life goes on without you.

����8. ��������ڷ��֣�û���㣬�ҵ������������ת��

����9. every little kindness you show me would shake my determination.

����10. ����ҵ�һ���ã����ᶯҡ�ҵľ��ġ�

����11. love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany.

����12. ���鲻�ǻ�����ҵ����ԣ�����ƽƽ��������顣

����13. unfortunately, there are but the two love each other.

����14. ��ϧ�����మ���ܻ������ρ�

����15. you have no idea how i'm feeling so shut up.

����16. ������ͳ�֪���ҵĸ�����ʲô�����ԣ����졣


����1. ������ͳ�֪���ҵĸ�����ʲô�����ԣ����졣

����2. sorry,i have been used to the things which i'm not supposed to.

����3. �բ������ѿ�ϰ���˲���ϰ�ߵ�ϰ�ߡ�

����4. each youth will be old, but i hope that your memories have been good.

����5. ÿ���ഺ������ϣ�����ϣ�����������һֱ���á�

����6. i didn't stop loving you.i just decided not to show my love.

����7. ��û��ֹͣ���㣬��ֻ�ǿ������ٱ��ֳ�����

����8. when everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity.

����9. ��һ�ж������ŵ�'ʱ����щ�ر��˲�䶼�������㡣

����10. something is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened.

����11. ��щ���飬��̸�ǹ��ᣬ̸�����ǹ��̡�

����12. sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart.

����13. ��ʱ������������֮�����޷�������������ġ�

����14. i'll smile before all people look at you, performance.

����15. �һ�ц�ſ����㣬����������ǰ���ݡ�

����16. my interest is in the future because i am going to spend the rest of my life there.

����17. ��ֻ����δ������ϊ�ҵ���������������ȹ���


����1. ��ֻ����δ������ϊ�ҵ���������������ȹ���

����2. keep is cut and ground of disaster, is to use the whole life also enemy but the illusion.

����3. ��ס���dzֻʶ��ವ�����ѡ�������������ҳ�в����ļ���

����4. i think i miss you less and less as every day goes by.

����5. ��������һ�����ȥ���ҷ����.˼��ҳ��һ���쵭ȥ��

����6. love makes you hold on to things you wouldn't have been able to.

����7. ��������ס����щ�㱾��ֲ���ȥ�����顣

����8. smile can be given to anyone.but your heart is for only one.

����9. ц�ݿ��ը��κ��ˣ�������ģ�ֻ���һ���˾ͺá�

����10. please don't pretend to be good to me. i'm so naive that i will take it seriously.

����11. �벻ҫ��װ���һã��һ�ɵ���ᵱ�档

����12. out of all your lies, “i love you” was my favorite.

����13. �������еļ������棬“�ұ���”������ϲ����һ����

����14. what time is locked, wait for time to open.

����15. ��ʱ����ס�ķ�������ҫ��ʱ�����򿪡�

����16. when you have nothing to lose,it's time to gain.

����17. ������ҳû��ʲô����ʧȥ��ʱ�򣬾����㿪ʼ�õ���ʱ��

����18. laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.

����19. ��ц��ȫ��������ц;��ޣ�ω����һ���˿ޡ�










