- ����ƽ�
����2��we no longer can not go back. ������ҳ�ز�ȥ�ˡ�
����3��if the whole world betrayed you, i will hide behind you, betraying the world.
����4��approaching you,i get hurt,and leaving you,i will be lonely.
����5��what do yu think you are�� ���ѿ��������������ˡ�
����6��love, not with the eyes, measure, is the heart of comparison!
����7��this present life and you love to the end, never separated.
����8��people tend to focus on two, for the love and career.
����9��love is a kind of faith, to bring you back to me.
����10��no two people not only depends on the two heart not.
����11��all because of love together in this world and not all of them.
����12��we are the witness of love, planted a love of flowers.
����13�����ؼ all things there are some rules.
����14��sometimes you realise too late that what you are looking for is exactly what you just let go�����е�ʱ���������̫�����������լ����ѱ�ģ���ʵ������һ������ġ�
����15��my special: nonsense verbiage.���ҵ��س���������ƪ��
����16���黰 ֻ��żȼ���ֵ� falsehood -
����17��lost self countless times.
����18��i am a big winner,always winner.���ǵ�ӯ�ң���զ�ĵ�ӯ�ҡ�
����20�������ұ���ҳ���ʸ������even if i am humble, also drunk
����21��if love, please cherish. ���మ������ϧ��
����22��i will be strong enough to make you feel bad.�һ��ǿ�����㶼����
����23��each of us is no longer the only ���dz˴˲�����ψһ
����24��zeal for you.�������
����25��too many swindlers, fool obviously not enoughƭ��̫�࣬ɵ�����բ�������
����26��even if there is no end, i still love you ����û�н��,�һ��ǻ�ϲ����.
����27��-��since i was young, time inclined negative.�����������٣��ػ��㸺
����28��heart is the knife stabbed himself to others.�������ǰѵ��ݸ��˱���ͱ�լ�
����29��i am never going back again. ����զ���ٻ�ͷ��
����30��the details will tell you who is sincere to you.ϸ�ڻ������˭�����ķ����.
����31��you will never understand love if you are always sane. ~~~��զ��ô���ǣ�����զ���ᶮ�ð����ˡ�
����32��we just met not to start (����ֻ������δ����ʼ)
����33��put my name at the top of your list ���ҳ�ϊ�����ں�����
����34��forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met ���������ñ�ȥ�˽�һ����δı���������
����35��i thought you had feelings for me. ����ϊ�������ио�
����36��my world, i know a person is good. �ҵ����磬��һ���˶��ͺá�
����37��only the sun can give me warm enough ֻ��̫�����ܹ������㹻����ů
����38��a friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself. ���ѿ�����щ�����������ǰ���լ�����
����39���ҹ����������jest want to tell you����ֻ�����������ҵ�����
����40��20xx��ÿ���˶���super man!
����41��i wait for you to come back. �ҵ������
����43��i am waiting for a hug, hug all my uneasiness ���ڵ�һ��ӵ��,ӵ�������еij���
����44��ӣ�ij�̫�ã�ֻ��l love you��
����45��without you i can also live well every day. û����ҳ���թ���ÿһ�졣