
ʱ�䣺2022-12-09 13:23:02 �߿�ӣ�� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�


����1. ������ϊ����ʱ̬���ʾ��������ʱ,ʱ���������״��ӿ������һ������ʱ����������:


����i��ll write to her when i have time. ���пջ����д�š�

����turn off the lights before you leave. ��ǰ�صơ�

����if we hurry, we may catch the bus. ����ͻ������ǿ��ܸϵ��ϲ���������

����tell me in case you get into difficulty. ��������������ҡ�

������ע���� ����ʾʱ���������״��ӿ���,��ʾ�ò������ơ������ĵӿ�ҳ������һ������ʱ��ʾ��������:

����i��ll follow him wherever he goes. ��ȥ�ķ�,�ҿ͸���ȥ�ķ���

����whatever you say, i won��t pay. ������˵ʲô,�ҷ����ḷǯ��

����whether we help him or not, he will fail. �������ǰ������,������ʧ�ܡ�

����i��ll have a good time whether i win or lose. ӯҳ��,��ҳ��,�ҷ�������á�

����the more you eat, the fatter you will become. ��ե�խ��ͻ�խ�֡�

������ ����,������ϊ�ý���ʱ̬ʱ,����ӿ�ҳͨ����һ������ʱ����������:

����i��ll give you anything you ask for. ��ҫʲô�ҷ����㡣

����you can have anything i find. ���ҵ����κζ����㶼������ȥ��

����everyone who comes first will get a present. ÿ���������˶��ɵõ�һ�����

����2. ����ӣ��ϰ��,һ������������ҫ�����ѿ���������̸�۶�����ʱ��,��ô��֮��ص��������ʾͳ����ٴ�ָ��ͬһʱ��,������ʹ��һ���ƚϼ򵥵�ʱ̬,����һ������ʱ��ʾһ�㽫��ʱ�ȡ��ƚϡ���:

����this discovery means that we will spend less on food.��һ������ζ�����ǽ�������ʳʒ�ϵļ��ѡ�

����this discovery will mean that we spend less on food. ��һ������ζ�����ǽ�������ʳʒ�ϵļ��ѡ�

����3. ��make sure(ū���),make certain(ū���),take care(ע��,����),be careful(ע��,����),mind(ע��),watch(ע��)�ⱥ��that�ӿ���ͨ��ҳֻ��һ������ʱ��ʾ�������塣��:

����take care that it does not occur again. ע����ٷ����������¡�

����we must take care that no one sees us. ���dz���ע������˿������ǡ�

����make sure you come back soon. ��ҫ��֤��������

����be careful that you don��t hurt her feelings. ���ı��������ĸ��顣

����watch that the baby doesn��t go near the heater. ע����ñ����ӽ���������

����mind you read the examination questions carefully before you begin to answer them. �ڴ���ǰҫע����ϸ�ķ����⡣










